La or El - Camisa
What is La?
Whats Mexico's capital?
What is Mexico City?
How do spell black en español?
what is N-e-g-r-o?
Uno, _____, ocho
What is cuatro?
shirt in spanish?
What is Camisa?
Quiero __ libro?
what is un?
Whats the capital of Panama
what is Panama City?
How do you spell Blue en español?
What is A-z-u-l?
Diez, _______, treinta
What is veinte?
translate "yellow skirt" in spanish
What is Falda Amarillo?
Yo quiero _ perro
What is un?
What is the Capital of Venezuela
what is Caracas?
How do you spell brown en español?
what is M-o-r-r-ó-n?
Cuarenta, _________, cincuenta y cinco
What is cuarenta y nueve
Translate "pink sweater" in spanish
What is Sueter Rosado?
Unas or Unos? Tengo ___ amigos.
What is Unos?
Whats the Capital of Paraguay
what is Asunción?
How do you spell Pink en español?
What is R-o-s-a-d-o?
Once, veintidos, _______, cuarenta y cuatro
What is treinta y tres
what are zapatos?
What is Shoes?
El or La? _ chico es deportista
Whats the Capital of Espana?
What is Madrid?
How do you spell yellow en español?
What is A-m-a-r-i-l-l-o?
______, sesenta, ochenta
What is Cuarenta?
I have to put on ____, before I put on my shoes
What is Calcetines?