Estudian Ella's para la prueba?
Do they study for the quiz?
Organizas tu la CaSA?
Do you organize your house?
Canta Ella en la ducha?
Does she sing in the shower?
Bailas tu en la casa?
Do you dance in the house?
Hablas tu Espanol?
Do they speak Spanish?
Camina El en El parque?
Does he walk in the park?
Miras tu las peliculas?
Do you watch the movies?
Gana El equipo El partidos?
Does his team win the games?
Do you help at the hospital?
Ensena Sra.Arco en la clase de Espanol?
Does Mrs.Archibald teach Spanish class?
Buscamos nosotros El papel?
Are we looking for the paper?
Nadan Ellos en la piscina?
Do they swim in the pool?
Miramos nosotros la television?
Do we watch TV?
Contestas tu las preguntas?
Do you answer the questions?
Tocan Ella's El perro?
Do they touch the dog?
Compras tu en la tienda?
Do you buy at the store?