What is "the head"?
la cabeza
Located in the middle of you face...
la nariz
Saca la lengua
Toca las cejas con tus dos dedos
Touch your eyebrows with your two fingers
Toca la muñeca.
Touch your wrist.
What are "the eyes"?
los ojos
What do you use to hear with?
las orejas
Toca la nariz
Touch your nose
Cual es mas grande, la mano o el brazo?
What is bigger, the hand or the arm?
El brazo
What is "the mouth"?
la boca
You have 5 on each hand....
los dedos
Toca tu pie con un dedo
Touch your foot with one finger
Llevas los zapatos en los pies o en las manos?
Do you wear your shoes on your feet or on your hands?
Abre y cierra la boca siete veces
Open and close your mouth seven times
What is "the ankle"?
el tobillo
What you use to walk with...
Di "no" con la cabeza
Say "no" with the head
Toca la cara con el brazo.
Touch your face with your arm.
Pon los dedos en el pelo
Place your fingers in your hair.
What is "the teeth"?
los dientes
What you use to talk with....
la boca or la lengua
Toca la pierna con el brazo
Touch your leg with your arm
abre y cierra los ojos ocho veces
Cual es mas grande, el pie o la pierna?
What is bigger, the foot or the leg?
La pierna