Spanish word
Located in the middle of your face...
What is nariz ?
My head hurts
What is me duele la cabeza
They are both located on the side of your torso
What is brazo?
el pulmon
What is lung?
She has ten toes
What is Ella tiene diez dedos del pie?
You have 5 on each hand....
What are dedos(fingers)?
I have two lungs and one heart
What is Yo tengo dos pulmones y un corazon?
What you use to walk with...
What is.... Pie (foot) or pierna (leg)?
My stomach and my breast hurt
What is me duelen el estomago y el pecho?
What you use to talk with....
What is boca (mouth) or lengua (tongue)?
My neck and throat hurt
Me duelen el cuello y la garganta