What is la mano
The hand
What is the arm
El brazo
How do you say "my arm hurts"?
Me duele el brazo
Translate: Mi amigo me da un regalo.
My friend gives me a gift.
How do you say "happy"?
What is el hombro
The shoulder
What is the foot
El pie
How do you say, "Her chest hurts"?
Le duele el pecho.
Translates: Nootros nos pusimos los zapatos
We put on our shoes
How do you say "cough"?
El tos
What is la boca
The mouth
What is the stomach
How do you say, "Our heads hurt"?
Nos duelen las cabezas
Translate: Damelo
Give it to me
How do you say "throat"?
La garganta
What is el ojo
The eye
What is the finger
El dedo
How do you say "ouch"
Make this a command: No tocar
No me toques
How do you say "pills"?
What are las piernas
The legs
What is knee
How do you say "I have a headache"?
Me duele la cabeza
Make this a tú command: Touch me (ay ay ay)
How do you say "angry"?
Enojado/Furioso/Una rabia