Black Death
Decimated the population and Spain took 250 years to recover. (1348-1375)
What Happened at the Beginning of this Period?
Higher Birth Rates and Lower Death Rates
Reasons for low Birth Rates & Fertility Rates
Changes in lifestyles, Women Workforce, Working Hours, Economic Problems , Lack of State Support
What is the Fertility Rate?
The Fertility rate is the number of births that occur in one year in a particular place or country.
The fertility rate indicates whether the population is stable, growing, or falling.
Early Modern Age
Population was slowed due to plagues and epidemics, such as the 18th-century smallpox and wars
The Industrial Revolution
Sharp increase in Spains population in the 18th century due to Economic, Demographic, and Social Changes.
Difference Between Natural Increase and Real Growth
Natural Increase is the difference between Births and Deaths, whereas Real Growth is the result of adding the natural increase of a country to its net migration which is basically the difference between immigrants and emigrants
Average replacement-level fertility rate
2.1 children per women
The Modern Age
Population growth due to Industrial Revolution in the late 19th-century. And decimated in the 20th century due to the wars, economic and political problems which caused many people to emigrate to the americas
1800 - 1900 (17th & 18th Century)
Population virtually doubled. Sharp increase in 1950 despite the deaths that resulted because of the 1st and 2nd world wars, and Spanish Flu
How to find the Natural Increase & Real Growth
Natural Increase= #Birth Rate - #Death Rate
Real Growth= Natural Increase + Net migration
The number of people who die in one year in a particular place or country. Global average death rate is 8%. Lowest death rates can be found in countries with larger populations of young ppl.
The 21st-Century
Since the 20th century population growth has been neutral and Immigration has helped to offset low European Birth Rates and the general ageing Population.
Spanish Civil War and World War I (Timelines)
World War I ( 1914-1918)
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Reasons for falling birth rates.
Main reasons for falling birth rates are changes in economic activities, society, culture and education. This changes also - Women in workforce, education, changing lifestyles, higher costs living and problems relating to housing
Infant Mortality
Number of children who die before reaching the age of one year in a particular place or country. Reasons: Absence of healthcare, parent care, hygiene, and nutrition.
Spanish Flu
Great cause in population decrease, hight death rates. (1918-1919)
World Population Doubled Again due to growth in Africa, Asia, & South America.
How to find the No. of Birth rates, and Fertility rate.
Birth rate= No. of births in one year x1000 divided the total population
Fertility rate= No. of births in one year x1000 divided the No. of women aged 15-49
Life Expectancy
Number of years a newborn is expected to in in a particular place or country. Advances in healthcare and in medical science over the last 50yrs have significantly increased in life expectancy