How do you say and spell blue in Spanish?
Name the room in Spanish that you would cook food in.
La cocina
Where do you drive?
En la calle
What would you call your mom and dad? In Spanish, from your vocab list.
Good morning in Spanish
Buenos dias
Which clothing item would you wear to the mountains:
Unos pantalones cortos
Una chaqueta
Una chaqueta
How would you ask, can I go to the bathroom?
Puedo ir al baño?
Where would you grocery shop?
El supermercado
How would you says cousins, aunt, uncle. In Spanish. Feminine and masculine.
Primo, prima, tia, tio.
How do you say 50 in Spanish?
Name three things from your vocab list that you could wear to the beach.
Traje de baño
Pantalones cortos
Spell bedroom in Spanish.
Where would you buy baked goods?
Niece and nephew.
Sobrina y sobrino.
What are three formal names you use to show respect to someone?
Usted, Señor-Señora, Don-Doña
How do you spell the color orange in Español? You get 1 try.
Make a complete sentence stating what you do or do not like to do in the living room. In Spanish
How do you say, to the right and to the left? Say which is which
A la derecha- to the right
A la ezquierda- to the left
Grandchildren, feminine and masculine.
Nieta y nieto
Fish, dog, and cat. Spell them.
Pez, perro, gato.
Name and spell out three colors in Spanish of your choice. They all need to be correct on the first try.
How would you say this in Spanish:
The house is big and white. The house has a kitchen, dining room, living room, and bedrooms.
La casa es grande y blanca. La casa tiene una cocina, sala, comedor, y dormitorios.
How would you ask:
Where do you live? Formally
Your grandparents sons daughter is who to you? There is two right answers
Prima or hermana
How would you say:
I like to swim at the beach.
Me gusta nadar en la playa.