What is: It's snowing
hace sol
what is 'it's sunny'?
buenos días
what is 'good morning'?
el estudiante/ la estudiante
what is 'student'?
el otoño
what is "fall/autumn"?
hace calor
what is "It's hot"?
hace frío
what is 'it's cold'?
mucho gusto
what is 'pleased to meet you'?
el profesor/ la profesora
what is 'teacher'?
el invierno
what is "winter"?
el verano
what is 'summer'?
what is 'it's raining'?
¿cómo te llamas?
what is 'what is your name'?
el bolígrafo
what is 'pen'?
hace viento
what is 'it's windy'?
¿Qué tiempo hace?
what is: "What's the weather like?
la primavera
what is 'spring'?
Me llamo...
what is 'My name is...'?
la carpeta
what is 'folder'?
Setenta y cinco grados
what is " 75 degrees"?
¿Cuál es la temperatura?
what is "What is the temperature"?
la estación
what is 'season'?
what is 'likewise'?
el cuaderno
what is 'notebook'?
what is 'It is not cold'?