What is "Buenos dias" in English?
Good morning
What is “Levantate” in English?
Stand up
What are the days of the week in the right order?
Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, Vienes, Sabado, Domingo
What do “cuarto” and “media” mean in English?
Quarter and half
What is “invierno” in English?
What is "The students (female)" in Spanish?
La estudiante
What does “Abron los libros” mean?
Open your books
What is the only month that has 28 days?
What is “School gets out at 4:15” in Spanish?
La escuela sale a las cuatro y cuarto
What is “It’s cloudy today” in Spanish?
Hoy hace sol
What is "See you tomorrow" in Spanish?
Hasta mañana
What would you do if your teacher says “Todas defienden la bandera”?
I would stand up for the flag
What date is “viernes 1 de diciembre” in English?
Friday, December 1st
How do you say “It’s 10:25 at night” in Spanish?
Son las diez y veinticinco de la noche
What is the hottest season?
What is: “Nos vemos manana en clase de Espanol” in English?
See you tomorrow in Spanish class
How do you say “take out your posters” in Spanish?
Saca tus carteles
What is “Christmas is on the twenty-fifth of December” in Spanish?
La Navidad es el veinticinco de diciembre
What is the difference of using “y” and “menos” when telling time in Spanish?
Use “Y” for time until 30 minutes and “menos” after 30 minutes.
How do you say “It is very hot in the Summer” in Spanish?
Hace mucho calor en verano
How do you say: “Good morning, I will be your new teacher for the year” in Spanish
Buenos dias, sere tu nueva maestra para el ano
¿Cuánto tiempo duran nuestras clases en salida anticipada?
How long are our classes on early release
What is “El primero de enero es el comienzo del nuevo año” in English?
January first is the beginning of the New Year
How do you ask for the temperature in Spanish?
¿Qué temperatura have?
How do you ask for the temperature in Spanish?
¿Qué temperatura have?