"pants" in Spanish
What is los pantalones?
10*10 is this number in Spanish
What is cien?
The "we" form of tener
What is tenemos?
This word is "calculator" in Spanish
What is la calculadora?
The word for "chicken" in Spanish
What is el pollo?
The word "shirt" in Spanish
What is la camisa?
The number 47 in Spanish
What is cuarenta y siete?
The word "young" in Spanish
What is joven?
"Backpack" in Spanish
What is la mochila?
What is el chorizo?
"socks" in Spanish
What is los calcetines?
The number before 100 in Spanish
What is noventa y nueve?
The "tu" form of ser
What is eres?
The object people most commonly write with in Spanish
What is el lapiz?
What is "salmon" in Spanish?
What is el salmon?
The word "shoes" in Spanish
What is los zapatos?
The number 35 in Spanish
What is treinta y cinco?
The opposite of "ugly" in Spanish
What is guapo?
"Book" in Spanish
What is el libro?
"flight" in Spanish
What is el vuelo?
The word "shorts" in Spanish
What is los pantalones cortos?
The number 389 in Spanish
What is trescientos ochenta y nueve?
The "ellos/ellos" form of ser
What is son?
The word "table" in Spanish
What is la mesa?
Word for "underneath" in Spanish
What is debajo de?