Spanish #1
We play
Nosotros Jugamos
Words used with Nosotros end in what?
I understand
You hear
Tu oyes
We sleep
Nosotros dormimos
She plays
Words used with Ustedes end in what?
We understand
Nosotros entendemos
I hear
Yo oigo
I sleep
Yo duermo
I play
yo juego
Words used with El end in what?
You understand
Tu entiendes
They hear
Ellos oyen
They sleep
Ustedes duermen
They play
Ellos Juegan
Words that are used with Ellas end with what?
She understands
Ella Entiende
You (formal) hear
Usted oye
You sleep
You play
tu juegas
Words used with Yo end with what?
They all female undestand
Ellas Entienden
They hear
Ellos oyen
He sleeps
El duerme