This sentence means el libro es blanco in Spanish.
What is the book is white.
This same as trienta
Which part of the verb is considered to be the root?
The first part that does not end in AR
The girls dance
Las chicas bailan
Yo tienes un horario dificil
Yo tengo un horario dificil
El usa la calculadora en la clase de matematicas
He uses the calculator in Math class
This sentence means el platano es amarillo in Spanish.
What the banana is Yellow.
What is treinta y ocho
What is the first thing you do when conjugating a verb?
Take off the AR
We play videogames
Nosotros jugamos videojuegos
Ellas habla mucho en el almuerzo
Ellas hablan mucho en el almuerzo
Ellos bailan en la clase de baile
They dance in dance class.
This sentence means la mochila es rosada in Spanish.
What is the bagpack is pink
What is third
This questions means Como estas in Spanish.
What is how are you.
What are the endings of an AR verb. List them
o, as, a, amos, an
Jose practice sports
Jose practica deportes
Sara y tu necesitamos un diccionario para la clase de espanol
Sara y yo necesitamos un diccionario para la clase de espanol
Sara y tu necesitan un diccionario para la clase de espanol
This noun means cocina in Spanish.
What is kitchen
This sentence means la leche es blanca in Spanish.
What is the milk is White.
What is cien
This greeting means no hablo espanol in Spanish.
What is I don't speak Spanish.
This verb means to skate in Spanish. Conjugate the Tu form of the verb patinar
Patinar. Tu patinas
Your brother plays the guitar.
Tu hermano toca la guitarra
Yo practicas deportes en la clase de educacion fisica
I have two pencils and four papers
This noun means uvas in Spanish.
What is grapes
This sentence means el lapiz es rojo in Spanish.
What is the pencil is red.
This means the same as quince
What is catorce
This greeting means mas o menos in Spanish
What is so so
Conjugate the verb 'estudiar'
estudio, estudias, estudia, estudiamos, estudian
They use the computer
Ellos usan la computadora
David hablan espanol, frances y japones.
David habla espanol, frances, y japones.
This noun means zapatos in Spanish.
What are shoes.