Class is boring.
Qué es la clase es aburrido
You talk a lot.
Tú hablas mucho.
She swims a lot.
Ella nada mucho.
I have a calculator to study math.
Yo tengo la/el calculadora a estudiar matematicas.
My calculator is fun
Me calculadora es feliz.
The class of english is difficult.
La clase de íngles es difícil.
She draws very good. She is an artist.
Ella dijuba muy bueana. Ella es a artistica.
I like to write.
Me gusta escribo.
I like to sing and dance with my friends.
Me gusta cantar y bailar con me amigos.
She has a purple dcitionary.
Ella tienes la morado diccionario.
Spanish is fun because I have friends.
Espanol es divertedo porque yo tengo amigos.
He likes to watch television, with friends.
El me gusta a ver television, con amigos.
He can ski. He is very good.
El poder esquia. El es muy bueno.
I dont like to swim because it is easy and not difficult.
No me gusta nadar porque el es fácil y no difícil.
The boys are very social, and like to talk a lot.
Los chicos son mucho sociales, y me gusta hablar mucho.
My favorite three ring binder is in technology
Mi favorito la carpeta de argollas es en tecnologia.
He likes math because he has a calculator.
a el le gusta matematicas porque el tiene uno calculadoro
We really like to dance with friends.
le gusta mucho bailamos con amigos.
Science class es boring beacsue the teacher talks alot.
Ciencias naturales es abburido, porque la el profesoria hablar mucho.
We like to work a lot, and be happy, in the sixth hour.
Ustedes me gusta tabajais mucho, y feliz, en la sesto hora.
My three ring binder is hard to use in the fifth hour because I have a lot of homework.
Mi la carpeta de argollas es dificil usar en la quinto hora porque yo tengo mucho la tarea.
She has a favorite three ring binder that is blue, she uses it alot.
Ellas tengo una favorito la carpeta argollas
They are very good at using a three ring binder in the first hour of class, to study.
muy bueno en usar un la carpeta deargollas en la primera hora de clase, para estudiar.
Lunch is difficult becasue I study in the hour for homework, with my three rign binder.
El almuerzo es dificil porque yo estudiar en la hora para la tarea, con mi el carpeta argollas.
She really likes the three ring binder the teacher has in science.
Ellas le gusta mucho la carpeta argollas la preofessora teine en sciencias naturales.