What is pantalones?
Red in spanish
what is rojo
country which the language spanish originated
what is spain
eyes in spanish
what is "o"
Los calcetines in English
What are socks?
yellow in spanish
what is amarillo/amarilla
country with most spanish speaking people
what is mexico
foot in spanish
what is pie
"tu" verb ending for "er" and "ir" verbs
what is "es"
La suetér in English
What is the sweater?
white in spanish
what is blanco/blanca
country that speaks spanish in south america that starts with the letter a
what is argentina
mouth in spanish
what is boca
"tu" verb ending for "ar" verbs
what is "as"
Shirt in Spanish
What is a camiseta?
Naranja in english
what is orange
only asian country that has spanish as one of their languages
what is the philippines
mano in english
what is hand
nosotros verb ending for "ar" verbs
what is "amos"
La chaqueta in english
What is the jacket
negro y azul in english
what is black and blue
only spanish speaking country in africa
what is equatorial guinea
brazo in english
what is arm
vosotro verb ending for "er" verbs
what is "éis"