Everyone in your group tell me your favorite color
All colors must be different.
How do you say to sing?
What is pelo?
How do you say shirt and pants in spanish?
camisa and pantalones
How do you say good morning, good afternoon and good night?
Buenos dias, buenos tardes and buenos noches
Tell me what day you were born during the month. Meaning if your birthday is March 15 tell me quince.
how do we say "what do you like to do?"
How do you say face?
Coat and jacket
How do you ask someone "what is your name?" and what would they respond saying?
Como te llamas and me llamo
Everyone in your group count from 1-40.
List three activities we learned in the past
Cantar, bailar, pintar, cocinar, nadar, leer, escribir
How do you say please in spanish? and how do you say thank you?
por favor and gracias
How do we say "what are you wearing today?"
Que usando hoy?
Name one word of the day we have learned this year
Count backwards from 25-1
How do you say to write?
What is your nariz and point to it.
What are you all wearing today?
Use vocab to tell me
Name the colors or the rainbow in order.
rojo, anaranjado, amarillo, verde, azul y morado
How do you say zero and 100 in spanish?
cien and cero
What are some of the activities we learned that you could do at school?
How do you say eyes and ears?
ojos and orejas
How do we say gloves, belt and coat in spanish?
guantes, cinturon and abrigo
What does Cena mean in spanish? This was one of our words of the day last year...