Spanish varies by {Blank}
Buenos dias
Good morning
La infeccion
The infection
La cabeza
The head
Yo tengo hambre
I am hungry
What type of tense should you use when speaking formally?
Usted/Su (formal)
Mi nombre es...
My name is...
La gripe
The flu
La oreja
The ear
¿Adonde esta la biblioteca?
Where is the library?
What is cultural sensitivity?
Tailoring healthcare delivery to each patient's cultural, linguistic, and social beliefs without assumptions or judgments, promoting equitable care.
¿Cual es su nombre?
What is your name?
Me duele {Blank}
My {Blank} hurts
La garganta
The throat
¿Adonde vives?
Where do you live?
Around what percent of Peruvians speak Spanish?
Por favor, sientese
Please take a seat
El hombro
The shoulder
Yo tengo {Blank} años
I am {Blank} years old
Besides using formal tense, how can you make a Spanish speaking patient feel comfortable?
Use phrases such as
- "Mucho gusto"
- "Buenos dias/Buenas tardes"
- "Por favor"
¿Cuales son sus sintomas?
What are your symptoms?
La contusión/El moretón
The bruise
El higado
The liver
Yo soy estudiante de los Estados Unidos
I am a student from the United States