"Diabetes" and "Presión Alta."
(Two different things)
What is "Diabetes" and "High Blood Pressure?"
Spanish word for "teeth."
What is "Muelas" or "Dientes?"
Spanish word for "Head."
What is "Cabeza?"
"Dolor de Huesos."
What is "Bone Pain" or "Arthritis?"
The command word (in spanish) given to instruct a patient to "spit."
What is "Escupa?"
A patient comes to you with complaints of stomach pain....This would be the word you would hear for "stomach."
What is "Estomago" or "Panza"?
* Estomago is more to describe actual internal stomach pain.
* Panza is more external.
The spanish words for "Cough" and "Fever."
What is "Tos" ("se siente ahogado" also works) and "Fiebre" ("calentura" or "temperatura alta" also works)?
Translated "Toothache."
What is "Dolor de muela?"
This is how you would ask a woman if she was pregnant and whether she was breastfeeding.
Literally Translated: "Are you pregnant?"
"Are you breastfeeding?"
What is "¿Usted está embarazada?" and
"¿Usted está dando pecho?"
The spanish translation for asking if a patient has a medical allergy.
Literal Translations: "Is there any medication that causes you allergies?" or "Are there any medicines that hurt you?"
What is "¿Hay algún medicamento que le produce alergias?"
or "¿Hay alguna medicina que le hace daño?"
This is what you would say to a child who is scared while you are helping in the Dental room.
Literally Translated: "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."