How old was Roberto Clemente when he died?
38 years old
What year did the Dogers sign for Roberto Clemente?
When did they put Roberto Clemente in the hall of fame?
March 20, 1973
Where did Roberto Clemente die?
At sea
How old was Roberto Clemente when he played for The Santurce Crabbers
17 years old
What year did Roberto Clemente get married?
Where was Roberto Clemente born?
In Carolina, Puerto Rico
What was the first league Roberto Clemente played for?
The Santurce Crabbers
What year did Roberto Clemente win the world series?
When was Roberto Clemente born?
August 18, 1934
How long did Roberto Clemente play for the Pittsburgh Pirates?
17 years
When was Roberto Clemente in the world series? (double points if you get both years)
1960 and 1971
What year did Roberto Clemente die?
What did Roberto Clemente do besides from playing baseball?
He was a humanitarian
Who did Roberto Clemente marry?
Vera Zabala