How do you spell the number "8" in Spanish?
How do you spell the number "52" in Spanish?
Cincuenta y dos
How do you say, "Good morning"?
Buenos días
What are the colors on Mexico's flag?
verde, blanco, rojo
The book
El libro
How do you spell the number "11" in Spanish?
How do you spell the number "33" in Spanish?
Treinta y tres
How do you say, "How are you"?
Como estás?
Pupusas are popular in which country?
El Salvador
The water
El agua
How do you spell the number "18" in Spanish?
How do you spell the number "100" in Spanish?
How do you say, "Can I go to the bathroom"?
Puedo ir al baño?
Reggaeton predominantly comes from which two countries?
Puerto Rico y La República Dominicana
A pencil
Un lápiz
How do you spell the number "29" in Spanish?
How do you spell the number "47" in Spanish?
Cuarenta y siete
True or False: People from Brazil are Latinos
The student
El/La estudiante
Count backwards from 10 to 0 in Spanish.
Diez, nueve, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno, cero
How do you spell the number "61" in Spanish?
Sesenta y uno
How do you say, "good night"?
Buenas noches
Name three songs that you know in Spanish
***answer will vary***
The whiteboard
El pizarrón o La pizarra