What is my sister is Spanish?
mi hermana
What is chicken in Spanish?
What is he skis in Spanish?
El esquia
What is movie theater in Spanish?
el cino
Conjugate this- yo/ comprender
Translate- Yo tengo dos hermanas y un hermano.
I have two sisters and one brother
Translate- Me gustan las frutas y verduras
I like fruits and vegetables
Translate- Yo juego vóleibol.
I play volleyball
Translate- Ellos van al centro.
They go downtown.
Translate- él bebe café para el desayuno.
He drinks coffee for breakfast.
What is her uncle in Spanish?
su tío
What is ice cream in Spanish?
What is she sunbathes in Spanish?
ella toma el sol
What is pharmacy in Spanish?
la farmacia
What is the ending for a ir verb when it is dealing with they?
Translate- Ella tiene cinco primos.
She has five cousins.
Translate- El tiene pollo y arroz para el almuerzo.
He´s got chicken and rice for lunch.
Translate- él juega béisbol los lunes.
He plays baseball on Mondays.
Translate- Ellos van a la iglesia los domingos.
They go to church on Sundays.
Translate- Ellos viven con sus padres
They live with their parents.
Translate- Nosotros tenemos dos abuelos y tres tías.
We have two grandparents and 2
Translate- Yo tengo huevos y yogurt para el desayuno.
I have eggs and yogurt for breakfast.
Translate- Ellos juegan fútbol en el parque los sabados.
They play soccer, in the park, on Wednesday.
Translate- ¡vamos a nadar el viernes!
lets go swimming on Friday!
Translate-yo comparto mi almuerzo con mi hermana.
I share my lunch with my sister.