What are the two major Spanish-speaking countries?
South America, and Central America
How many Spanish classroom objects are there?
What are the 2 types of articles?
Definite and indefinite
What color is the sun in Spanish?
Name 2 Spanish-speaking states, and their capitals
Ex: Bogota, Colombia / Managua, Nicaragua / y Santiago, Chile
Name 5 classroom objects in Spanish
Ex: El reloj, La puerta, La ventana, La pared, y El sacapuntas
What do the definite articles stand for
What is the color of the sky and clouds in Spanish?
Azul, y blanco
What is the capital of Honduras?
What is “the student” in Spanish?
el/la estudiante
El elumno/ la alumna
What do the indefinite articles stand for?
What are the colors of Neapolitan ice cream in Spanish?
Blanco, café, y rosado
Sing one of the major Spanish-speaking countries songs
Ex: Central America
Name 10 classroom objects in Spanish
Ex: El profesor/la profesora, El libro, El lápiz, El cuaderno, El bolígrafo, El marcador, La calculadora, La mochila, y El borrador
Name the 4 words in one article
Ex: El, La, Los, Las
What are 4 colors in Spanish?
Ex: Rojo, anaranjado, verde, y azul
Sing both of the major Spanish-speaking countries songs
Central America, and South America songs
Name all of the classroom objects in Spanish
El reloj, La puerta, La ventana, La pared, La pizarra, La silla, El escritorio/el pupitre, El sacapuntas, El cesto de papeles, el/la estudiante, El elumno/ la alumna, El profesor/la profesora, El maestro/la maestra, El libro, El lápiz, El cuaderno, El bolígrafo, El marcador, La calculadora, La mochila, El borrador, La regla, La revista, El periódico, y El mapa
Name the 4 words in both articles
1.) El, La, Los, Las 2.) Uno, Un, Unos, Unas
Name all of the colors of the rainbow in Spanish
Rojo, Anaranjado, Amarillo, verde, azul, y morado