1. Which month has the holiday Thanksgiving?
Noviembre (November)
1. What is wednesday in spanish?
1. What is the top or first color in a rainbow?
Rojo (red)
1. What is your ojo?
Ojo means EYE
1. What is 14 in Spanish?
2. Which month has a starwars holiday on the 4th and another holiday on the 5th
Mayo (may)
2. What is the first day of the week? (this day is different in English)
Lunes (monday)
2. The sky is usually this color.
Azul (blue)
2. Which part of the body is the Hombros
The shoulders
2. What is 3+4= in Spanish?
Ocho (8)
3. Which month has Valentine's Day?
Febrero (February)
3. Everyone' favorite work days is this day.
Viernes (friday)
3. This color is named after the fruit.
anaranjado (orange)
3. How do you say FACE in Spanish?
La Cara, El Rostro
3. What is Tres + Diecisiete?
Veinte (3+17=20)
4. Which month has the holiday New Years?
Enero (January)
4. If Today is Monday What will mañana be?
Mañana sera Martes.
4. Frogs and toads are usually this color.
Verde (green)
4. You use these to do almost everything including counting, writing, and knitting.
Manos (hands)
4. What is Nueve + Seis in Spanish?
(9+6 is 15) Quince.
5. Which month has the winter holidays and out winter vacation from school?
Diciembre (December)
5. Mañana sera Viernes. What is today?
Hoy es Jueves.
5. You would use this color to draw on a paper that is negro.
The color is Blanco (white)
5. What is the difference between el cabello y el pelo?
El Cabello means HAIR that is on your HEAD.
El Pelo means HAIR that is on your HEAD, the REST of the body, or ANIMAL FUR.
5. What is 13+14 in Spanish?
veintisiete (27)