What happens if you are present in class, but you choose not to work on that day's classwork and you therefore hand in an incomplete or blank assessment that is then graded?
You will be unable to redo or makeup the assignment at another time. If you are focused, productive, and engaged in the material throughout class, then assignments/assessments needing to be completed may be done so during Personalization.
When is homework assigned in this class?
Homework will only be assigned if the class was unable to complete the day’s agenda in a timely manner due to the inability to stay on task as a class.
What needs to be away during class, and what do I need to be sure that I bring to class everyday?
Cell-phones AND AirPods need to be away, and charged laptops need to be brought to class everyday!
How can you help your classmates to stay on task and focused while in the classroom?
1. By staying on task and focused yourself
2. By not engaging in off-topic conversations if work is still needing to be complete
3. By reminding or encouraging your classmates to be responsible with their time
4. By helping your classmates if they seem stuck on a question or piece of an activity
What is the emergency protocol to take to safely get out the building when in this classroom?
By exiting calmly through classroom door underneath the flag, taking a left down the stairwell, exiting through the outer door to the Wellington side of school, and meeting your teacher at the front of the school with your classmates.
How are you graded for attendance if you are absent from class (unexcused) OR if you arrive to class more than 15 minutes late?
You will receive no attendance points for the day.
What do you do before class ends and when the bell rings?
Be sure to complete the Exit Tickets questions on the weekly sheet. Be sure to have neatly handed in any class work that the teacher asks for. Be sure to recycle any other papers left on your desk, so that your desk is clear.
Why is it important to be sure to bring a charged laptop to class every day?
Phones are not allowed in class, and both Canvas and Garbanzo for class lessons and knowledge checks are to be accessed online! There are only so few outlets in the classroom to charge laptops.
Why is beneficial and encouraged for you to ask questions while learning in the classroom?
Asking questions shows that you are listening to what is being discussed, that you are invested in being here to learn in this moment, and that you would like to be sure you understand the material!
If you are ever feeling uneasy, unsettled, anxious, etc. What are the steps you may take with your teacher to help you get the support you need?
Take deep breaths, ask to speak with your teacher privately, and see whether you may take the space to meet with RESET or a SAC as needed.
Where can you go to find missing lessons and knowledge checks online - to see what work you can do outside of school while you are absent?
Canvas! As well as emailing your teacher if needed.
What steps do you take when you enter the classroom each day?
1. Put your cell-phones out of sight and out of mind!
2. Look to the board for instructions for what papers to pick up.
3. Sit down at your assigned seat and take out your class materials.
4. Borrow a pencil and paper from a classmate, if needed.
5. Begin working silently on your Campanada.
How is a parent, guardian, or anyone else able to contact you while you are in school?
The should call the office, for the office to have you go down to speak to them on their phone. Cell-phones are absolutely not allowed. If there are concerns of needing spontaneous contact with someone outside of school, you will have that conversation with either the Vice Principal Ms. Shepard or with any of the School Adjustment Counselors (SACs).
Why is beneficial and encouraged for you to make mistakes while learning in the classroom?
Making mistakes means you are learning! You are not supposed to know everything, that is why you are in school, and more specifically in Level 1 of Spanish! Making mistakes means you are challenging yourself, that you are actively thinking, and that you are growing!
What two ways do you learn a language in the classroom?
Listening and reading! In other words, being fully present in every day's class discussion to get the input needed.
How, where, and when do you get caught up on completing missing classwork when you return to school after having been absent?
Missing lessons may be accessed outside of class on Canvas. Missing assessments may NOT be completed outside of class, and must be done so during Personalization, during 1st lunch (with an in-person heads up that same morning), and by appointment after school (scheduled more than 48 hours in advance).
What 3 reasons demonstrate why it is important to get right to working on the Campanada every day as soon as you enter the classroom?
The weekly Campanada/Exit Ticket sheet will be graded for completion spontaneously throughout each quarter. There will also be formal assessments based on the Campanadas. The Campanada also help you review what you just learned earlier that week, too!
What will happen if you take your phone out while in the classroom?
Being on your phone while in the classroom will result in an administrative log entry, without any warnings.
What is an example of Being Respectful to other classmates and to your teacher when in the classroom?
Listening quietly while making eye contact, with open ears and an open mind, when your classmates and your teacher are talking. Not laughing at others' mistakes. Encouraging and celebrating your classmates' successes.
How can you get better at speaking Spanish, if you're nervous and/or scared to speak out loud when first beginning?
Attempt to speak the Spanish out loud! The only way to get better is to practice. Making mistakes is the only way to learn!
Why is it important for you to be present in class as often as you can be?
Everything learned in class builds on past lessons! Any lessons, games, knowledge checks missed means you will be a little bit behind and out of the loop with the lessons happening once you return!
What would happen if you were to use either an online translator or phone-camera/app to translate words, phrases, and/or sentences for activities and assessments? As well as handing in copied work that is similar to another students'?
Work submitted that uses more than just the vocabulary learned in the classroom is considered plagiarism and will result in an administrative log entry and a 0 for that specific assignment.
Aside from it being a PHS Policy, why are cell-phones not allowed to be used within the classroom?
Learning a language is achieved through communication: listening, reading, and being 100% present to receive the input of the language.
Why might it be important to participate when working in groups with classmates you're not too familiar with?
Working in groups with classmates you're not too familiar with allows for a good mix of abilities and perspectives - as well as a wider range of skills, ideas, and problem-solving. Doing so also promotes comfort in group collaboration for future endeavors - in both school and later employment! Interdependence is encouraged in this class!
How have you shown that you can learn a 2nd language such as Spanish?!
You've already learned English! With time, effort, mistakes, and patience.