What does it mean to be mindful
To be aware of and focused on the present moment
When would you use LET M Go?
If you feel like you're "Losing it"
What do MUPS stand for/mean?
Things that "Mess You Up"
A coping skills that messes you up or affects you negatively
Name at least one of the three states of mind
Emotion, Reasonable, Wise
What is one way to practice mindfulness?
Do an SOS
Focus on your present feelings
Focus on one thought at a time
Name 2 ways to distract yourself
Activities, opposite emotions, other thoughts, other sensations
What is the body's alarm system?
Flight, fright, freeze!
Give an example of an activity you could do mindfully
What is an example of the body's reaction in flight, fight, freeze?
pounding heart, breathing fast, running away, can't move, can't think, etc.
When you are doing an SOS, what two things are you measuring?
Distress and Control
When would you use Make a Link
When you want to talk to someone else in a productive way
What's an emotional leftover?
Things from the past that you haven't deal with!
What are two opposite reactions to trauma (hint: think about the bottles)
What is shutting down and withdrawing (flat) or exploding
True or False:
Anger and sadness are bad emotions
False! No emotions are bad, they are all just clues into our feelings and experiences
What are two ways to soothe yourself?
An activity that calms any of your 5 senses
What is a trigger
A reminder of something painful from the past
What are some common reactions to trauma?
reminders of the trauma, avoiding reminders of the trauma, jumpy, mental shut down, risk-taking, self-harm, problems in relationships, breakdown of body