Lorenzo is an immigrant that came to America for what reason?
What is, Medical Needs
What ethnic group populated the majority of the student body?
Latino/a students
What state and city did the four boys immigrate to?
Phoenix, Arizona
Why did Fredi need Allan Cameron on his robotics team?
Allan was able to program the robots while Fredi could build them.
True or false: Lorenzo and Cristian had a lot of respect for each other when the first met
What was the reason for changing the street names from Indian Tribes to numbers?
To establish the white citizens while disregarding the native heritage.
Why did Oscar's family immigrate to the US?
So that the family can make more money
Where did Carl Hayden place at the Trebuchet tournament?
2nd Place
Luis joined the Robotics team for what reason?
Luis was not interested in the other topics: ocean currents, marine animal migration patterns etc.
Why were Fredi's parents disapointed in him?
Fredi became a teacher instead of a doctor
Why did Cristian's family immigrate to the US?
Cristian's father figured he'd make more money there and offer better opportunities for his son.
What does the acronym MATE stand for?
Marine Advanced Technology Education
Oscar, who was enlisted in Carl Hayden's JROTC program, couldn't join the military due to what?
What is citizenship or permanent residency?
Why did Allan Cameron choose to teach at Carl Hayden?
He thought the high schoolers needed more help than rich college students.
Why did Luis' family immigrate to the US?
Luis' mother didn't want to put Luis up for adoption; America offered better opportunities for the family.
Why did Lorenzo miss the trebuchet competition?
He woke up late and didn't bike fast enough.
Cristian's role model was a TV personality named...
Who is Bob Vila
What did Carl Hayden do in order to bring in more white students?
They became a magnet school with a focus on marine science and computer programming.
How was Oscar brought to the US?
He was illegally smuggled across the boarder
Why did the team need somebody like Luis?
Luis was big and strong, a quality that the rest of the team was lacking.