What is a horse
Kind of hat cowboys wear
What is a cowboy hat
Cowboys say this when they're excited
What is "Yeehaw!"
Colors in the CMNH logo
Yellow and red
The length of our dance marathon
What is 12 hours
Big, strong animal riders try to stay on for 8 seconds
What is a bull
Item cowboys wear around their necks for style and dust protection
What is a bandana
Desert plant that has sharp spines and stores water
What is a cactus
What CMNH calls the kids who share their stories to inspire others
What are Miracle Kids
The children's hospital we support
What is UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
Small, cute horse that is sometimes seen at rodeos
What is a pony
Special rope cowboys use to catch animals
What is a lasso
Cowboys cook their food over this when camping on the trail
What is a campfire
Money that we fundraise goes towards things such as
What is things that are not covered by insurance (music/art therapy, K-12 tutors, etc.)
Primary mission of SpartanTHON
What is to raise funds and awareness for UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
Animal that helps cowboys herd cattle on ranches
What is a cattle dog
Cowboys wear these on their legs to protect them from thorns and rope burns
What are chaps
City that hosts the biggest rodeo in the world
What is Houston, Texas
What does CMNH stand for?
Our steering members!
Who are Natasha, Abby, Phoebe, and Samrutha
Animal known for being super fast and often used in rodeo races
What is a quarter horse
Sharp metal pieces on cowboy boots used for riding
What are spurs
Country that rodeo traditions originally came from
What is Spain
The number of kids that enter a CMNH every minute
What is 72
Year that SpartanTHON hosted their first dance marathon
What is 2011