Length of time Susie Pettler has been Bookkeeper
What is 50 years?
MW 2s held class here during construction one year
What is the stage? (Now Hulme Room)
Kathy P.'s holiday luncheon specialty
Chocolate Torte
It made for a strange dismissal and a dark Lunch Bunch in October 2018
What is transformer blowing?
In 2013, this song was played almost incessantly during playtime and lunch bunch
What is "Let it Go?"
Current Head teacher with the most seniority
Who is Marilyn Jones?
Creative Movement and Music took place here prior to 2010
What is the Babcock Room?
Deede Joss's holiday luncheon specialty
What are asparagus and dip?
An autumn (but not Halloween) classic
What is "Grey Squirrel?"
Two head teachers in the Big Room in the 1990s
Who are Mrs. Kay George and Mrs. Pat Wilson?
Play feature removed from the back playground
What is the talk tube? or What is the plexiglass painting stand?
Has VERY rarely stolen a gift during the game
Who is Suzie Hall?
Mishap in the Big Room (Gel Beads)
What was spilling entire water table full of gel beads all over the floor?!
You gotta make it in November!
What is a hand-template turkey?
Creative Movement teacher prior to Linda Webb
Who is Mary Pat Mengato?
Indoor gross-motor space prior to 2010 construction
What is the "Blue Room?"
Has knocked someone off her chair while stealing a gift
Who is Cynthia Christman?
Most life-threatening experience during school
What is administering an Epi-pen to a child in anaphylaxis? (Extra points for noting that the ambulance was in the circle at pickup while a funeral was also ending.)
2 songs at every Christmas Sing since 2004
What is "This Little Light of Mine," and "We Wish you a Merry Christmas?"
3 SPCNS Directors prior to Mary Lang
Who are Marge Mercer, Tallu Scott, and Becky Marks?
2 locations of staff meetings prior to Hulme Room
What is the Stamy Room and the Library?
Hostess of annual luncheon prior to Mary Lang
Who is Anne Buckingham?
Mishap in the Big Room during 2009-2010 construction
What is pipe bursting and spraying water into classroom during free play time?
It's so hard to keep them a secret!
What are Mother's Day gifts?