Rhetorical Devices

"I dive into the stream of fourth-period lunch students and swim down the hall to the cafeteria."

Identify the device and explain its literal meaning.

metaphor (compares a the amount of students rushing to the cafeteria to a stream of water)

It means that Melinda is joining all the students who are rushing to the cafeteria.

!It's not a personification because there is no object that is given human qualities!


Explain why Rachel changes her name to Rachelle.

She hangs out more with the European foreign exchange students and wants to distance herself from her former group of friends.


Name two places where Melinda goes when she skips school.

- the mall

- the hospital


Correct the tense:

Mr. Freeman encourages Melinda's artistic talents since the beginning of the school year.

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Present Perfect Progressive:

Mr. Freeman has been encouraging Melinda's artistic talents since the beginning of the school year.


What do you call a 9th grader in the US?

______ - sophomore - junior - senior



"The turkey floats in the sink, a ten-pound turkey iceberg. A turkeyberg. I feel very much like the Titanic."

Explain the function of rhetorical device.

M. alludes to the titanic that sank after having hit an iceberg. She compares herself to the ship, which means that she feels as if she can't be saved.


Who breaks up with whom on Valentine's Day?

Heather breaks up the friendship with Melinda.


Describe how Melinda feels when she sees other girls' responses to her post in the bathroom stall. Why?

relieved - that others have made bad experiences with A.E.

empowered/ encouraged - to open up


Transform this sentence into a passive:

Melinda's parents misunderstand her silence.

Melinda's silence is misunderstood by her parents.


Assign the words PREDATOR and PREY to the characters.

Predator: Andy Evans

Prey: Melinda


"If there is anyone in the entire galaxy I am dying to tell what really happened, it's Rachel."

Identify the device and explain its function.

hyperbole to express Melinda's desire to talk to Rachel about the rape.


Who does Melinda first tell about the rape?

Explain why she decides to do that.


She is afraid that her friend will get hurt as well and want to warn her.


Explain the relevance of this quote in context.

Dad: "Well, something is wrong. What have you done to her? I had a sweet, loving little girl last year, but as soon as she comes up here, she clams up, skips school, and flushes her grades down the toilet. I golf with the school board president, you know."

context: The parents get called into the Principal's office because of M. skipping school.

relevance: It shows that the father blames the school for M. behavior instead of finding out what the actual problem is.


Combine these sentence with a relative pronoun:

Mr. Neck complains about immigrants taking away jobs.

His son wants to become a firefighter.

Mr. Neck, whose son wants to become a firefighter, complains about immigrants taking away jobs.


A ... is an event typically held at schools to boost school spirit to support sports teams or celebrate achievements. 




Explain why Melinda's last name can be considered a telling name.

Sordino --> alludes to being mute (failing communication within the family)


Who says this in which context?

"Don't expect to make a difference unless you speak up for yourself."

David Petrakis

After having helped her with the essay about the Suffragettes.


“There is a beast in my gut, I can hear it scraping away at the inside of my ribs. Even if I dump the memory, it will stay with me, staining me. My closet is a good thing, a quiet place that helps me hold these thoughts inside my head where no one can hear them.” 

Evaluate the efficiency of the strategy Melinda describes here.

Description: She decides not keep her painful memories to herself and, at this point, thinks that suppressing her emotions is the right thing to do.

Personal opinion.


Correct the three mistakes: word/ grammar / grammar

Andy Evans, whose menacing presents is felt throughout the novel, is confronted by Melinda in the janitors closet, that offers relief to the readers.

Andy Evans, whose menacing presence is felt throughout the novel, is confronted by Melinda in the janitor's closet, which offers relief to the readers.

Put these words into the correct order.

leaf - branch - trunk - root

root - trunk - branch - leaf
