What does Melinda write in her English journal on the first day of class after meeting her teacher, Hairwoman?
Who is IT?
Who is Andy Evans
What class does Melinda enjoy the most and label her sanctuary?
What is art
What is a leper?
A leper is an outcast.
What does gelatinous mean?
jello-like texture
Who is the first person Melinda tells the truth to?
Who is Rachel
Who is the only friend Melinda has at the start of the book?
Who is Heather
What is the setting of the story?
What is Syracuse, NY
What did the suffragettes do?
fought for women's rights to vote.
What is a marsupial?
A pouched mammal, like a kangaroo!
Heather is very outgoing whereas Melinda is not. What mistake does Heather tell Melinda that most 9th graders make?
Not becoming involved in school activities.
Who is Rachel?
Melinda's ex-best friend
Where does Melinda write the note "People to stay away from"
Bathroom stall
A bichon frise is a type of....
Give an example of a type of person who would want to remain inconspicuous?
Answers may vary- celebrities, criminals, spies etc.
What project does Melinda have to work on in art class? What about Ivy?
Tree/ clown
Who is Maya Angelou? What does she encourage Melinda to do at the end of the novel?
A civil rights activist who encourages Melinda to SPEAK
Give an example of an allusion in the book.
Answers may vary: Maya Angelou, Dracula
What is mononucleosis?
a disease spread by saliva.
Use the word wan in a sentence.
Answers may vary.
What are four of the mascots that the school had this school year?
Hornets, Wombats, Blue Devils, Trojans
Who is Basketball Pole?
A basketball player who Melinda runs into in the cafeteria
Where does Melinda's mom work?
A clothing store.
What does it mean to be tenacious
In the novel, which character is xenophobic? How do you know?
Who is Mr. Neck. He shuts down a debate on immigration because it wasn't going his way.