Multiple Meaning Words
Multiple Meaning Words II
Context Clues

Roll (pg 131) 

It's so much fun working in his room that some kids stay there until the late late buses are ready to roll.

A. To move across the ground.  The ball rolled down the street.

B. Ready to leave. We are ready to roll!

C. A small loaf of bread.  Pass the dinner roll, please.

B. Ready to leave. We are ready to roll!


Clan (pg. 42) 

If I ever form my own clan, it will be the Anti-Cheerleaders.

A. A group of friends with similar interests; A clique.  The artsy clan always hangs out by the bleachers.

B. A large family.  Every thanksgiving, the whole Smith clan gathers at grandmom's house.

C. A large group of people who are related.  Romeo and Juliet is about love between two members of rival clans.

A. A group of friends with similar interests; A clique.  The artsy clan always hangs out by the bleachers.


Unnatural.  What is the prefix?

A. al

B. un

C. natural

B. un is the prefix in "unnatural"


Identify the synonym for "mute" from page 197 of Speak: 

"That's the point, she won't SAY anything!  We can't get a word out of her!  She's mute."

A. Angry

B. Sad

C. Silent

C. Silent


Use context clues to figure out the definition of predator from page 168:

"Rabbits survive by freezing in the presence of predators."

A. An animal that GETS hunted by another animal

B. An animal that lives by hunting/killing other animals for food

C. A ghost

B. An animal that lives by hunting/killing other animals for food.  Example: A Lion is a predator and an antelope is its prey.


Spirit (pg. 166) 

Principal Principal decided that Hornets represent the Merryweather spirit better than foreign marsupials.  We are the Hornets and that is final.

A. A Ghost.  The house was filled with evil spirits.

B. Feelings of happiness or unhappiness.  Spirits were low after our team lost.

C. Inner quality or nature of someone or something.  What do you think represents the spirit of Lenfest?

C. Inner quality or nature of someone or something.  What do you think represents the spirit of Lenfest?


Lounge (pg. 39) 

The janitors have a shiny new supply closet and lounge by the loading dock.

A. To hang out/relax.  I want to lounge by the pool this summer.

B.  A comfortable room for relaxing or taking a break.  Meet me in the student lounge.

B.  A comfortable room for relaxing or taking a break.  Meet me in the student lounge.


What does the word, "unexpected" mean?  (pg. 260: Looks good.  Kind of spooky.  Not creepy, but unexpected).

A. Expected

B. Not expected

C. Spooky

B. Not expected


Identify the synonym for "tell" from page 175: 

"You should tell someone.  Get it over with.  Let it out, blurt it out."

A. Over

B. Blurt

C. Someone

B. Blurt

Identify the definition of "blacklist" by using context clues to figure out its meaning (page 135):

Heather: Please say you'll do it...If I screw this up, they'll blacklist me and then I'll never be part of any of the good groups!"

A. To never be allowed to join a group again

B. To be made fun of

C. To be cheered on

Blacklist means..

A. To never be allowed to join a group again.  To be banned from a group or from participating in something.


Blue (pg. 200) 

"She's so blue and we have no clue! What oh what oh what can we do!!"

A. A Feeling of sadness.  Are you feeling blue?

B. A color.  I looked up at the blue sky.

C. Without warning, as in, "out of the blue."  He came to visit us out of the blue!  We were so surprised.

A. A Feeling of sadness.  Are you feeling blue?


Mold (pg. 136)

Biology does not smell like apples today.  It smells like dead-frog juice, a cross between a nursing home and a potato salad that's started to mold.

A. To form something into a particular shape.  She will mold the dough into loaves of bread.

B. A soft substance that grows on the surface of rotten or damp things.  Don't eat that moldy apple!

C. To influence or help shape someone's character. He has dedicated his life to teaching and molding young children into responsible adults. 

B. A soft substance that grows on the surface of rotten or damp things.  Don't eat that moldy apple!


Illegal (pg. 123: I only get two days of vacation before my parents force me into illegal child labor.) 

What is the prefix and what does it mean?

The prefix is: "il" and it means "not".  Illegal means, "not legal"


Find the synonym pair in the following sentence from page 116 of Speak:

"There is something about Christmas that requires a rugrat.  Little kids make Christmas fun."

A. Fun & Christmas

B. Little Kids & Rugrat(s)

C. Christmas & Christmas

HINT: Synonyms are two different words that mean the SAME thing

B. Little Kids & Rugrat(s)

Use context clues to figure out the definition for "annual" from page 310: 

"The annual yearbook ritual is bizarre."

A. Happening once every week

B. Happening once every year

C. Happening once every 10 years

B. Happening once every year


Love (pg 307) 

"Just as we get a decent volley going, we have to stop for a lecture about the ridiculous scoring system where the numbers don't make sense and love doesn't count for anything."

A. A feeling of strong affection for someone.  I love her!

B. A score of zero in tennis.  The score is 30 - Love.

C.  A kind or helpful person (British).  Be a love and bring in the groceries.

B. A score of zero in tennis.  The score is 30 - Love.


Drown (pg. 113-114) 

The earrings chime when I turn my head.  They drown out Principal Principal's voice, an added bonus.

A. To die by being underwater and unable to breath air.  The mom worried her small children would drown in the ocean.

B. To cover something in liquid.  The spaghetti was drowning in sauce.

C. To cause someone or something not to be heard by making a loud noise.  The loud music drowned their conversation.

C. To cause someone or something not to be heard by making a loud noise.  The loud music drowned their conversation.


What does the prefix "multi" mean? (pg. 114: The school board said no songs from Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa.  Instead of multicultural, we have no-cultural.)

A. The opposite of

B. More than one

C. Again

B. The prefix "multi" means, more than one.  the word multicultural means, more than one culture.


What is a synonym for nuclear

What is a synonym for Quota? pg. 157: When the Marthas are talking to Heather about not collecting enough canned-goods: "You aren't carrying your weight.  You haven't delivered your can quota."

A. Fair-share (amount)

B. Small

C. Disguise

A. Fair-share (amount)


Use context clues to define the word, "wary" from page 319, when Melinda hears a knock at her bedroom door and doesn't know who it is: 

"My stuffed rabbits crawl out of their burrows, noses excited as mom that someone might want to visit me, but cautious.  Wary."

Cautious; suspicious; distrustful/not trusting; unsure


Right (pg. 278) 

They kept fighting until they had the rights they should've had all along.

A.  A direction, the opposite of left.  Make a right at the end of the street.

B. To be correct.  Your answer is right, nice work!

C. In a normal or healthy condition.  I don't feel right.

D. Something a person should be legally or morally allowed to have, do, or get.  They demanded the right to vote.

D. Something a person should be legally or morally allowed to have, do, or get.  They demanded the right to vote.


Bolt (pg. 169) 

Bunny Rabbit bolts, leaving fast tracks in the snow.  Get away get away get away...

A. To leave someplace quickly.  He bolted up from the chair.

B. A long piece of metal that is kind-of like a screw.  Frankenstein has bolts on either side of his neck.

C. A bright line of light that appears in the sky during a storm. The bolt of lightning lit up the sky.

A. To leave someplace quickly.  He bolted up from the chair.


Use the prefix to help you define the word, "Unfortunate."  

(pg. 277: We all bown down and pay homage to the Almighty David, who keeps the Neck off of our backs.  Unfortunately, Mr. Neck still gives tests.")

Not fortunate or the opposite of fortunate

Not good 

Used when we want to say something bad or unlucky has happened.


Name a synonym for "nuclear" as it is used on page 152 in Speak:

"The guidance counselor called them, an early-warning system to alert my parents to my nuclear report card."

Horrible, bad, terrible, awful, dreadful, lousy


Define the word, "AWOL" by using context clues from page 315: 

Ivy: "Mr. Freeman told me to keep an eye on you.  You occasionally go AWOL

Melinda: "Not from art class!"

Missing; Absent; Leaving without permission