What name does Rachel Bruin adopt when she begins to date a foreign exchange student?
Why does Melinda call the police at the party?
Because she was assaulted.
In what point of view is the story told?
First-person point of view.
Which subject does Melinda call "humiliating"?
gym/physical education
Who is Ivy?
What is the name of Melinda’s lab partner in biology?
David Petrakis
What significant action does David Petrakis take in Mr. Neck’s class?
He challenges Mr. Neck’s discriminatory behavior and later records the class as evidence.
How many Marking Periods are there?
There are four Marking Periods.
Complete the following sentence: “IT is my …………. and I can’t wake up.”
What did Melinda give Heather for Christmas?
How does Heather, Melinda’s new “friend,” betray her?
Heather stops talking to Melinda because she believes Melinda is too depressing and not socially advantageous.
What is Melinda’s main form of self-expression throughout the novel?
Her artwork, particularly the tree.
9th grade
Complete the sentence: "........ follows lunch, like dream follows nightmare."
What do the Sordinos have as Thanksgiving dinner?
What area of the school does Melinda use to express her feelings about Andy Evans?
The bathroom stall, where she writes “Guys to Stay Away From” and includes Andy’s name.
Where does the novel play?
In Syracuse, NY.
What does Melinda's mother answer to her statement "I don't feel well"?
"You must be sick. You are talking."
What is Ivy afraid of?
She is afraid of clowns.
According to Melinda what is David's ideal job for the future?
Why does Melinda decide to clean up her yard and garden?
It symbolizes her emotional healing and growth.
Who plays Melinda in the film adaptation?
Kristen Stewart
What’s the last sentence of Speak?
Me: "Let me tell you about it."
Which famous talk shows does Melinda refer to?
Oprah (Winfrey), Sally Jessy, Jerry