Present Perfect Simple & Continuous
Present & Past Ability

Underline the correct alternative to complete the quotes.

When you are not believing / practising, remember someone else is believing / practising, and when you meet him he will win.

practising / practising


Complete the sentences with the present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I _____ (practise) my lines. Rehearsals start next week.

2 I _____ (visit) patients in their homes.

1 have been practising

2 have been visiting


Put the words in the correct order to make answers to the questions.

- Why do you think they asked him to write the textbook?

- subject / because / expert / he's / his / an / in

Because he's an expert in his subject.


Underline the correct alternative.

1 I can to / am can / can type fast.

2 When I first heard English, I not able / not could / couldn't understand anything.
3 Even when I'm stressed, I'm usually able to / can / able sleep.

1 can
2 couldn't
3 able to


1 Underline the correct alternatives.

In my views/view, sport is wonderful. The reasoning/reason I say this is that it makes people work in teams. For/To me, that's really important.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 The best bloggers pay attention _____ what's going on in the world.

2 They listen _____ influential people, pick up _____ the stories in the air and put _____ hours reading websites and doing their research.


1 to
2 to / on / in


Underline the correct alternative to complete the quotes.

I was seldom able to see an opportunity / a talent until it had ceased to be one.

an opportunity


Complete the sentences with the present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I _____ (mark) homework for hours.
2 I _____ (try) some new ideas for a recipe.
3 I _____ (research) a news story.

1 have been marking

2 have been trying

3 have been researching


Put the words in the correct order to make answers to the questions.

- Why do you think he'll pass the exam?

- of / he / maths / because / lot / ability / has / in / a

Because he has a lot of ability in maths.


Underline the correct alternative.

1 I recently had a problem but I can able to / was able to / managed solve it.
2 I 'm not able / was able not / wasn't able to do the job of my dreams (not yet, anyway).
3 Last weekend I managed to / managed / am managed to relax.

1 was able to
2 'm not able to
3 managed to


1 Underline the correct alternatives.

I can/must say I agree with you. And/For one thing, sport keeps you healthy. For another/other, it's good for your character. For/In example, you learn teamwork. - That's it/what I was saying: you learn to work together. And like I told/said, it's also good for your health.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 You don't need to just wait ______ the big stories: you need to find them.

2 They rely _____ traditional media such as newspapers.

3 All bloggers depend _____ other sources for their content, but they think _____ the issues and, rather than just agreeing ______ the journalists, they look ______ alternative opinions.

must / For / another / For / what / said

1 for
2 on
3 on / about / with / at


Underline the correct alternative to complete the quotes.

1 Focus on / in where you want to go, not on what you wear.

2 Some people dream of success, while other people wake up and work hard on / at it.

1 on

2 on


Underline the correct alternative.

1 How long have you known / been knowing David?

2 She's angry - she's waited / been waiting for an hour!

1 known

2 been waiting


Put the words in the correct order to make answers to the questions.

- Why do you think she'll become an Olympic gymnast?

- sport / she's / the / at / gifted / because

Because she's gifted art the sport.


Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the words in capitals. Write three words. Contractions are one word.

1 We don't know how to play cards. CAN'T
__________ cards.
2 She is a wonderful singer. CAN
__________ really well.

1 We can't play
2 She can sing


1 Underline the correct alternatives.

I will/do think children should play more sport in school. And they can join clubs, too. Let me do/give you an example: my kids are in an after-school athletics club. - That's great. Having said/spoken that, those clubs can be very expensive.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 Often the best bloggers belong _____ groups or societies that have access ______ interesting people.

2 The most important qualities for someone to succeed ______ the 'blogosphere' are to have a talent _____ writing and to believe _____ yourself.

do / give / said
1 to / to
2 in / for / in


Tick the correct sentences. Correct the wrong ones.

1 Our company focuses at quality software.

2 I had the opportunity to travel a lot last year.
3 It's important that we work hardly at this.

1 Our company focuses on quality software.
2 correct
3 It's important that we work hardly on this.


Underline the correct alternative.

1 This morning I've read / been reading a book called Infinite Jest - it's over a thousand pages long!
2 How many people have you invited / been inviting to this party?
3 My hands are dirty, I've worked / been working on the car.

1 been reading

2 invited

3 been working


Put the words in the correct order to make answers to the questions.

- Why do you think they'll do well in Hollywood?

- talent / have / writing / because / a / scripts / for / they

Because they have a talent for writing scripts.


Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the words in capitals. Write three words. Contractions are one word.

1 Can you bring some drinks to the party? ABLE
__________ to bring some drinks to the party?
2 We didn't have time to visit Las Vegas. MANAGE
We __________ visit Las Vegas.
3 I failed the test. ABLE
I __________ pass the test.

1 Are you able
2 didn't manage to
3 wasn't able to


1 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1 They have a lot in common _____ traditional journalists, but bloggers don't have to worry _____ newspaper deadlines. 

2 Bloggers don't usually get paid _____ their work.

2 Complete the sentences with the following words: Master's / apprenticeship / licence / distance / qualifications / online / degree / learning.

1 When I left school I had no _____ except my driving _____.

2 When I was eighteen, a friend of my father's told me I could do an _____ in his printing company.

1 with / about
2 for

1 qualifications / licence
2 apprenticeship


Tick the correct sentences. Correct the wrong ones.

1 The key is to believe of yourself.
2 He's certainly a high achiever.
3 We'll improve if we are practise every day.

1 The key is to believe in yourself.
2 correct
3 We'll improve if we practise every day.


Underline the correct alternative.

1 For the last six years I've learned / been learning Arabic, but it's really difficult.
2 They don't want to rent The Hunger Games because they've seen / been seeing it already.
3 Hello. I don't think we've met / been meeting before.

1 been learning

2 seen

3 met


Put the words in the correct order to make answers to the questions.

- Why do you think he'll become a professional golfer?
- aptitude / the / has / an / because / game / for / he

- Why do you think you'll fail the test?
- science / at / absolutely / because / hopeless / I'm

1 Because he has an aptitude for the game.

2 Because I'm absolutely hopeless at science.


Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the words in capitals. Write three words. Contractions are one word.

1 I can usually clean the house in about two hours. MANAGE
I usually __________ the house in about two hours.
2 What languages were you able to speak when you were a child? COULD
What languages __________ when you were a child?
3 They succeeded in breaking the record. MANAGED
They __________ the record.

1 manage to clean
2 could you speak
3 managed to break


Complete the sentences with one word. 

1 Although there was no formal face-to-face ______, one of my friend taught me to read and write.

2 Later, they told me about _____ learning and having an access to the computer I started an ______ course.

3 After three years I got a ______ in psychology and I went on to do a ______ degree and became a young worker.

1 learning
2 distance / online
3 degree / Master's or Bachelor's
