Define "Thespians"
actors/actresses, or those interested in the acting profession
Define "Wistful"
having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing or tiredness
Is this word used correctly? "The students were INDOCTRINATED into the culture of Merrywheather High School."
Yes, used correctly.
What is the definition of OBSCENE? a - offensive or disgusting according the the normal standards of decency b - to show what's going on behind the scenes c - it was a part of a tree d - to judge someone or something harshly and without proper evidence
What was the very first assignment you did for Mr. Scott?
We stabbed a bag full of water
What event between David Petrakis and Mr. Neck caused David's family to obtain a lawyer?
Mr. Neck was discussing how immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans and David P. was speaking out against Mr. Neck's claims. Mr. Neck silenced him and David countered by saying that he shouldn't have opened up a debate if he didn't want any opposition.
Who does Melinda first tell (besides us, the readers) about the rape?
Rachel / Rachelle
What did Melinda write her extra credit paper about for Mr. Neck?
The suffragettes / women's suffrage
Why did Melinda faint when they were dissecting the frogs in Biology?
Seeing the frog pinned down and defenseless causes her to have a flashback of the night she was attacked by Andy Evans.
Who wrote The Outsiders, the book we first read together in 7th grade?
S.E. Hinton
Speak was written by...
Laurie Halse Anderson
Why did Andy constantly do things to Melinda like get close to her, touch her, blow on her, etc.?
He wanted to feel like he still had power over her. He wanted to make sure that he could still get to her and make her uncomfortable and frightened.
What famous author is on the poster in Melinda's "closet"?
Maya Angelou
Why did the author choose to include The Scarlet Letter in Melinda's English class?
The book is about a woman who has also been outcast because of a scandal. Melinda feels similar to the main character of Scarlet Letter because they're both very isolated and carry signs of shame/fear.
Donald Trump is the ____ President of the United States. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
Which of the following is a metaphor from the novel? a- I crawled out of the room through a forest of legs. Outside the moon smiled goodbye and slipped away. b- Underground, pale seeds roll over in their sleep. Starting to get restless. c- There is a sprinkling of losers like me scattered among the happy teenagers, prunes in the oatmeal of school. d- But once the snow covers the ground, it hushes as still as my heart.
Which of the following quotes from the book is an example of sarcasm: a- I know my head isn't screwed on straight. b- Hilltoppers--guaranteed to frighten opponents. c- Mr. Neck teaches the class straight. d- He looks way to serious to be an art teacher.
B- "Hilltoppers-- guaranteed to frighten opponents."
Melinda is suffering from a mental disorder called _________. A character from another story we read also suffered from this disorder.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Why doesn't Melinda tell the police on the phone (or when they arrive) about what really happened to her the night of the party?
She's scared and confused; she's suffered a traumatic experience and has mixed feelings of shame and fear. She also sometimes feels that if she doesn't speak or remember the event, she can just forget about it and move on.
What was the name of the first short story we read together in class this year?
"Stop the Sun" by Gary Paulsen
Why does the author use a tree as Melinda's art project?
The tree symbolizes Melinda; it shows how she grows, suffers, and changes throughout the story. Trees are a reflection of Melinda's feelings.
Why does Melinda have so many nicknames for some of the characters? (Mr. Neck, Hairwoman, Donner, Blitzen, etc.)
Melinda is very critical and cynical and doesn't respect these people enough to call them by their actual names. It's almost like she doesn't see them as real people. She doesn't dignify them with a name.
Why does Melinda say, "[she] could fly," after she sees the responses to her bathroom graffiti?
She realizes that others were hurt by Andy and that she's not alone. Also, she actually had the chance to "speak" for the first time.
Which of the following is an allusion (reference to or calling out a different story) in Speak? a- Tennis is the only sport that comes close to not being a total waste of time b- I crush m jaws together so hard my teeth crumble to dust. c- I stuff my mouth with the old fabric and scream until there are no sounds left. d- It stopped raining; Good thing too, the mayor was about to put a call out to Noah.
D. Melinda is referencing the story of Noah's Arc to illustrate the amount of rain.
On a scale of one to ten, how much does Mr. Scott love Harry Potter?
Nine and three quarters...