What literary element is represented in this statement:
Melinda is a wounded zebra
"All perk and pep and purple"
Mr. Freeman
Which character is described as having 'no face,' and having stringy/uncombed hair?
What are the two internal conflicts Melinda experiences in the novel?
1.) Warning Rachel about Andy/ Letting her be hurt by him
2.) Going to the party at David's house/ Avoiding it so she doesn't get hurt
What literary element is represented in this quote:
"The long curly cord snakes around her like a rope tying her to the stake"
What is the setting of Speak?
Syracuse, NY/ 1990's
Which character is described as being; quiet, shy, and lonely?
Who is very militaristic and prejudiced?
Mr. Neck
Although Melinda gets trapped in the janitor's closet with Andy, she is saved by something and some people... what is that thing and what are those people?
A piece of broken glass/ The lacrosse team
What literary element is represented in this quote:
"Wicked, woozy, worried, withdrawn, weird Wombats"
Who is Laurie Halse Anderson?
The author
Which character is described as being: peppy and extroverted?
Who is known as being French-ish, newly popular, and cruel?
What is Heather's PRIMARY excuse for no longer associating with Melinda?
Her bad reputation
What literary element is represented in this quote:
"The moon is asleep"
Which character is described as being a hero and outspoken?
Who is described as being good-looking, popular, and threatening?
Andy Evans
Melinda's first attempt to find her voice comes when...
She is writing notes back and forth with Rachel telling her about the assault
What literary element is represented in this statement:
The Marthas seem to worship Martha Stewart
Which literary element is represented in this statement?
"Dad lays the turkey on the chopping block and picks up the hatchet. *WHACK*"
Which characters are known as being very stressed and lacking in communication skills?
Melinda's Parents
Who is the dull 'fearless leader' of Merryweather High?
Principal Principal
Melinda describes herself on the first page of the novel as being....
An outcast