Speaking the easiest
Speaking easier
Speaking medium
Speaking difficult
Speaking the most difficult

You have one minute to look at your picture. Describe all that you can see in the picture and explain what you think is happening.

Sample answer: 

In the picture there is a man lying in the middle of the road and there is a car and a motorbike there. I believe there is a car accident and that guy is almost dying. And people are trying to save his life him from death and in the bottom-right of the picture there’s a reporter holding a camera. And there is a policewoman or policeman and he’s trying to tell his partner to come, I think.


 Do you have many friends?

I have more than 10 friends and I am not sure if I should say this is many! However, I had more than 30 friends in my school days. With the passage of the time, the number plummeted. If I count my Facebook friends as real friends, the number would go high!


Describe a language you would like to learn.
You should say:
– What the language is
– Where it is spoken
– Why you are interested in this language
And say if you think you will ever actually have the chance to learn it.

Let me tell you about a language I’ve always wanted to learn, which is Russian. It’s spoken in Russia, obviously, but also in many other countries which have been influenced by Russia including places like Mongolia and Kazakhstan. It’s quite a difficult language to learn because the alphabet is not the Roman one, which means that you have to learn to read and write from scratch, a but like studying Chinese or Japanese. Well, the reason I would like to learn Russian is that the energy industry is huge and there are lots of jobs. A lot of my country’s oil and gas comes from Russia so it’s really useful to be able to speak that language if you want to work in the energy field. I have actually been to Russia before so I know from experience that a lot of Russians can’t speak English very well, so that’s another good reason to learn their language. The only problem is I’m already thirty years old and I’ve spent more than fifteen years learning English. I don’t know if I would ever be able to learn Russian successfully because it’s a difficult language for anyone to learn, especially someone older like me. But it would be really great to try.


Who is best at advising young people about choosing a job: teachers or parents?

In my humble opinion, teachers are best at advising young people about choosing a job primarily because they are usually the ones who work tirelessly at schools and colleges to unlock the potentials of young adults. Besides, through the continuous interaction with their students in classes, it is the teachers who are better positioned to identify the skills and expertise of the young people and thus being able to guide them to choose careers that are suitable for them.


How should students spend their summer vacations? How do/did you spend it?

I personally feel that long vacations should be spent wisely. Since students have more than two months during their summer vacations, they should plan prior to the vacation to make the best out of it. They can travel for one to two weeks, get involved in some sort of paid job to gain some practical experience, enrol in skill development courses, study the subjects they find challenging and can do some voluntary works for the community they live in.


You have one minute to look at your picture. Describe all that you can see in the picture and explain what you think is happening.

Sample answer: 

So, in my picture there are three men. They’re holding water guns and shooting at each other. And they are laughing and I think they’re very excited about this. I think they could be celebrating some kind of festival because you know in Thailand they celebrate their New Year by splashing water on each other, so I think the two men in the photo are tourists. They have gone to Thailand to celebrate this festival. Yes.


How did your parents choose your name(s)?

I learned that they were inspired by a name they found in the book and they took the surname from my grandfather. Thus they combined the name and selected it for me. However, this was the final step they went through to pick my name. As far as I know, they had to choose from hundreds of names, spend considerable hours to finally become satisfied with the name.


Describe a present you have given someone.

You should say:

  • Who you gave it to
  • What kind of present it was
  • How it compared to other presents you have given

Explain why you decided to give this particular gift.

I’m going to talk about a present that I gave to someone.

The person that I gave it to was a very good friend of mine at the time. His name was Kaaliya and he came from India. I knew him because we studied together at a language school in Cambridge. Although we were from different backgrounds and cultures, we got on really well and we had the same sense of humour so we became very good friends.

The present was a picture that had been painted of the River Cam in Cambridge. It was not so big -  maybe around 10 inches by 14 inches, but it was very beautiful.  It came in a gold plated frame and the picture had been drawn by a particularly well-known Cambridge artist. It had been signed by this person as well.

It’s the first time I have given this person a present, and I guess it’s quite different from presents that I have given to other people before – I don’t recall ever giving someone a picture actually. If I’m buying for family then I’ll usually buy clothes or maybe some jewelry if it is a special occasion. Normally when I’ve bought something for friends it’s something more jokey so we can have a laugh about it, nothing that serious.

The reason why I decided to give this particular gift is because we had spent a lot of time together in Cambridge and we had had some really fun times punting on the River Cam – that’s obviously why I thought this was an appropriate present.  We used to go punting at least once a week, sometimes a couple of times. On one occasion there was a group of about ten of us that went down there, and we spent the whole day sitting by the river in the sun and as usual we went on a boat trip together.  We all have a lot of photos to remind us of this great day.

So my friend, Kaaliya, is the person that I gave a present to and this was because I felt it would always remind him of the fun times that we had and also of Cambridge.


Why are some sports fans so passionate?

 I believe some people love sports than other forms of entertainment and competition and they always follow their favourite sports on TV. ‘Watching and playing sports’ is their favourite leisure activity while many of those passionate fans once were players themselves and played the game in their youth. Growing up, they see their family, friends, and city go wild when a goal is scored or a game is won. So, it’s natural to follow other’s enthusiasm and cheer for their local teams. Such attachment often increases their love for sports. In my country, many youths are ardent fans of football and they have their favourite teams. When their favourite team plays, they take every opportunity to support them and sometimes go to the stadium to show their support. Sportsmen are often idolized by youths and they love to follow their favourite sportsmen as enthusiastic followers.


If a movie is based on a book, would you prefer to read the book or to watch the film? Why?

I would not mind both reading the book and watching the movie. However, my personal experience has taught me that books are better than movies in most of the cases. To many, watching a movie is more exciting, and interesting visual effects of the film make it more appealing. However, books can touch a reader more profoundly than the movie. While movies can bring whole worlds to life before our eyes, make characters into living, books ignite our imagination and take us to a world unknown to us and the journey allows us to feel every experience of the characters, thus leaving a lasting impression in our memory. So, I might skip watching a few good films based on books but would not want to miss those books.


The image shows a group of people being served by chef. They are sitting in a restaurant which looks expensive because the decor is of good quality and the chef is wearing an exclusive uniform. The weather is very sunny and warm because the people are wearing light clothes and have taken their jackets off. Even the chef is in short sleeves. It's quite normal for people in hot whether to eat inside, out of direct sunlight, because it's cooler. It seems to be lunch time because it's sunny outside, and judjing by the number of people eating, the restaurant seems very popular. The chief appears to be oriental, so it could be far east although all the clients seem to be westerns. If I had the chance I would love to sit at this table and have my lunch because I love going to restaurants. 


Do you watch cookery programmes on TV? [Why/Why not?]

Not much, I would say. I am not a big fan of TV programmes and mostly watch movies on my laptop. Once in a while, I watch programmes related to travel and cooking and 'Hell's Kitchen', 'Iron Chef' and 30 'Minute Meals' are my favourite.


Describe something you do to forget about work or study.
You should say:
– What the activity is
– How often you do it
– How it helps you forget
And say whether you would recommend other people try the same thing.

I’d like to talk about horse-riding, which has been my hobby since I was around ten years old. I’m actually the joint owner of a horse with two of my friends and we take turns looking after him, cleaning out the stable and so on. I don’t have a part-time job so I spend most of my weekends at the stable. Taking care of a horse is quite a dirty business so it’s obviously very different from studying at college. That means I can forget about my classes during the week when I’m at the stable on the weekend. There’s quite a large field next to the stable and I just get a wonderful sense of freedom when I’m riding around on my horse. College seems a million miles away! Do I think other people would enjoy horse-riding? Yes, absolutely. I think everyone should give it a try. Horses are absolutely wonderful animals, very gentle and intelligent. If you ever have the chance to ride a horse, you should definitely give it a try.


Do you think the cinema has increased or decreased in popularity in recent years?

That's a bit complex issue as the answer might seem paradoxical. Well, I heartily believe that more people enjoy movies today than ever before but most of them do not go to a movie theatre to enjoy a movie. Thus the cinema halls have lost their glorious days, especially in my country, but an increasing number of people make time to watch movies either on TVs or on their computers. Gone are the days when my parents used to take me to a movie theatre and that was once in a while. These days we enjoy more than 3-4 movies a week but do not go to a cinema hall at all. I believe the popularity of international movies, low-quality local movies and amenities to get great movie-viewing experience at home are the reasons for this shifting trend.


What are the advantages of private universities than public universities?

From my personal experience I can say private universities are more disciplined and update their curriculum frequently to make the course more useful to the students. The study environment in a private university is often better as the authority does not allow politics or such activities there. Many private universities have better labs and research facilities which is an added advantage. Since they finish the course within the speculated timeframe, they help students avoid session jam and start their career early. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT are a few of the world-renowned private universities which have maintained an excellent academic environment and research works and show how some private universities could indeed be better than many public universities.


Compare the photographs and answer the question

Both of these pictures show people getting some help; the first one shows a football player who seems to be injured and the second one is an Asian tourist getting help from a policeman.

Although both situations involve someone helping a person, they are very different. In the first one, the football player needs help because he’s had an injury and, probably, he can’t walk properly. On the other hand, in the second picture, the tourist is probably asking for directions because he might be lost. Also, the footballer is likely to be in pain, while the tourist may only be a little nervous.

As for how important it is to help these people, I’d say it’s important in both situations. However, I strongly believe that the footballer needs more help than the tourist, as his situation is obviously more serious.


What type of photos do you like taking? [Why/Why not?]

I often experiment with my camera and mobile phone camera and that's why I like to take a wide range of photos that include nature, people, gift items, sky, river, flower and so on.

However, I am inclined to take photos of people. Some of the best photos that I took were taken in unknown places where people posed for my camera. Their genuine smile, sad expression and sometimes bewilderment make the photograph worth cherishing.


Describe a person that you know who you think is beautiful/handsome.

You should say:

  • who he/she is
  • how you know him/her
  • what you know about him/her

and explain why you think he/she is beautiful/handsome. 

Okay, so my best friend Sarah, who I’ve known since childhood, is a person I consider to be beautiful, in many ways.
She is a mentally strong woman, who does not doubt herself. A woman who knows when to say no without fear. She is also not afraid to be judged, she admits her faults, she knows how to forgive, and if she fails at something, she picks herself up and tries again.
I also love her sense of humor. She not only laughs at things, but also laughs at herself, and does not fear ridicule. She’s really good at breaking the ice with people and can always add a touch of humor to any situation.
She has a beautiful smile. Although it sounds cliché, her smile is indeed one of her best features. It makes her pretty in itself. She smiles at everyone, the man at the gas station, the people who sell things in stores, in short, she smiles at life.
Something else I love about her, and which makes her beautiful is her authenticity. There is nothing sincerer than a woman who shows herself as she is, who is not afraid of ridicule, who does not care what other people say, who does not compare herself with the rest; a free and uninhibited woman who enjoys her beautiful way of being.
Then, there’s always here intelligence. She grows day by day, reads, researches, and develops her intellect in different ways. She’s aware that she doesn’t know everything and always seeks to learn more each day.
Also, she loves herself. She knows that she is not perfect but loves every one of her imperfections. She doesn’t mind being called "fat", "skinny", "pretty" or "ugly". She loves herself as she is and knows that her happiness depends only on herself, not on others.
She is also not afraid to have her own opinion. She doesn’t get carried away by what others say and forms her own opinion based on what she considers and believes. She knows how to debate arguments and isn’t afraid to be wrong and accepts the points of view of others if they are valid.
She’s also courageous. It is not the absence of fear that makes her brave, it’s because she knows how to overcome it. She knows how to face her fears and constantly leaves her comfort zone, to bravely confront new things.
And finally, I love her independence. She’s a woman who has gone ahead alone, who does not need anyone to do things for her. Someone who has their own interests and hobbies, and who is not afraid to take charge of their own affairs.


Which method of travel do you consider safest? Why?

Despite some common misconceptions, I believe airways are the safest means of transportation. We have frequent national and international flights and the service is really excellent. Aviation accidents are deadly and claim the lives of many, and such accidents often make headlines which gives an impression that air travel is nocuous. However, if we compare air causalities with that of road accidents, we can easily learn that air travel is the safest. Flying is the most secure way to get around in my country as flights are well-organised and the air traffic is controlled more efficiently by trained professionals.


How has TV changed people's lives?

If I am asked what is the single most influential invention that has changed people's lifestyle, my answer would be 'the television'. Television is a mandatory home appliance in all households in my country. It is a source of education, information, and entertainment for many. People watch TV to get news, weather updates, learn about foreign cultures, relax and even plan their next day based on information gained from the TV. They watch TV in the morning, evening and even before going to bed. TV programmes entertain them, keep them together in the drawing room and eliminate many elder's loneliness. TV stars have shaped fashion, TV advertisements have changed people's purchasing habits and quiz shows have made many young become more inquisitive. Personally, I believe that television helps to bring families and communities together.

However, this device has its dark side as well. State TV channels are often the tool for political propaganda, and people who watch TV too much often suffer from dangerous diseases like diabetes and obesity.


Compare the photographs and answer the question

Both of these pictures show different places where people live; the first one is a neighbourhood of detached houses, while the second one is a coastal city with many skyscrapers.

One advantage of living in the first place is that you can have your own garden where you can relax with your family. Also, it’s a very quiet place. On the other hand, the obvious upside of living on the seaside is that the weather is usually mild and you can go swimming and sunbathing quite often.

As for the disadvantages, I believe that the neighbourhood in the first picture can be a little boring for young people as there isn’t much to do


How popular are bicycles in your hometown? [Why?]

Well, I would say bicycles are moderately popular in my hometown. It was widely used when I was a child and I have seen so many people using bicycles to reach their destinations. In fact, the majority of people used to ride bicycles to travel to and from their offices at that time. But, the motorized vehicles have become more popular these days and this trend has decreased the prevalence of bicycles. However, It's a good sign that many young people these days are using bicycles.


Talk about your greatest achievement in life so far?

You should say:

  • what it is
  • how you did it
  • if you are proud of it

and explain how your family feels about your achievement. 

My greatest achievement in life was without a doubt, to do my Master of Spanish in Spain. I always dreamed of living in Spain. I knew that if I was going to be a Spanish teacher at the university and receive the recognition of being a good speaker, an expert in the Spanish language, I would have to do my master’s Degree in Spain. There was no other solution. Then, when they accepted me into the program and invited me to live and study there, I was speechless. It was one of the most exciting days of my life. Also, when I finally moved to Spain it was not as I had imagined it. The simple truth is that I had to work very hard. It was much harder than I had thought. Many times, I studied day and night. To work I taught English classes in different Spanish companies around Madrid and sometimes in the outskirts of Madrid. I was paid 12 euros ($ 15 US) an hour, but the problem was that I had to go on a motorcycle (scooter) from one job to another, every day, and I was not paid for the trip. So, I worked 8 hours, but I spent 4 hours on the bike. Anyway, I graduated in 2017 and it was the best day of my life! My family was just as proud as I was when I was accepted to study, but I am also proud of the fact that I went to live in another country and had a very successful experience there, even though it was hard sometimes. Now, I plan to move abroad permanently to seek other challenging opportunities and further my career as a teacher.


Compare the photographs, and say why these people have chosen to study in these situations. 

The people in the two photographs are studying in very different environments. Firstly, the person in the top picture might be at home as he’s sitting at a desk with a few books and a typewriter which makes me believe that he’s in an apartment or house. On the other hand, the two men at the bottom are probably sitting at the table of a café or restaurant or maybe it is at their workplace.

The person in the first photo could have chosen his own flat because he might want to concentrate on his task without getting distracted by other people whereas the two people in the second photo probably don’t mind being in a public space. I think they might be studying together for a university project or something work-related because they have a laptop and papers to make notes or possibly to prepare a presentation while the other man could be studying for an important exam so he needs to be able to focus.


Compare the two photos and say what might be good or bad for the people traveling in these ways.

Sample answer

Both pictures show men on their own. In the picture on the top there's a man on a bicycle while in the other picture he's got a motorbike. In the first photo he's out in the countryside somewhere, maybe in Scandinavia. In contrast, this man is in a city and it looks quite dusty and polluted. Here in the first image, though, we can see it looks clean and the air seems fresh.

I think there are good things about traveling by bicycle - it's good exercise and it's very healthy. And cheap! On the other hand, riding a motorbike doesn't give any health benefits and it's much more expensive because you have to buy petrol.

What about the downsides of the bicycle? I suppose it isn't very safe because cars don't respect you. But that's the same on the motorbike sometimes. Oh, the bike is quite slow - much slower than the motorbike. That's the really good thing about the motorbike - the speed, and it's easy to find a parking space!
