When … the Queen’s real birthday?
When is the Queen’s real birthday?
Answer: on April 21st
What … people celebrate on Valentine’s Day?
What do people celebrate on Valentine’s Day?
Answer: romantic love
When ... people start to celebrate April Fool's Day?
When did people start to celebrate April Fool's Day?
Answer: in 1582
When … people celebrate the Queen’s Official Birthday?
When do people celebrate the Queen’s Official Birthday?
Answer: on the second Saturday in June
Who … Valentine?
Who was Valentine?
Answer: a priest
When ... New Year's Day in the old calendar?
When was New Year's Day in the old calendar?
Answer: April 1st
When … the Queen born?
When was the Queen born?
Answer: in 1926
Why … people start to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day on February?
Why did people start to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day on February?
Answer: Because Valentine died on this day.
Who ... April Fools in the past?
Who were April Fools in the past?
Answer: people who didn’t want to celebrate New Year in January
When … people begin to celebrate the Queen’s birthday in summer?
When did people begin to celebrate the Queen’s birthday in summer?
Answer: In 1805
How ... people decorate their houses on Valentine's Day?
How do people decorate their houses on Valentine's Day?
Answer: with heart-shaped balloons
Who … April Fools now?
Who are April Fools now?
Answer: people who you play jokes on
What … people usually watch on this day?
What do people usually watch on this day?
Answer: the parade
Who ... people send cards to on St.Valentine's Day?
Who do people send cards to on St.Valentine's Day?
Answer: to the people they love
What ... TV, radio and the Internet programmes do on April Fool's Day in Britain?
What do TV, radio and the Internet programmes do on April Fool's Day in Britain?
Answer: play jokes on people, too