I am going to my friends house. What two things should I bring with me when I leave the house?
It is good to drink this many glasses of water a day.
What is 8 glasses.
I am going to go to school today, name three things I need to do before leaving the house.
What is any of the following: brush teeth, comb hair, wash face, put on clean clothes, eat breakfast, etc.
All my friends are at a party drinking beer. I don't like the taste of beer but I am really cool and I want my friends to know I am cool. I should: A. take a picture with the beer B. drink the beer with my friends C. show my friend all of the cool songs on my iPod
What is C.
If I ask a question, and I don't like the answer the person gave me, I should.....
What is say okay and walk away
True or false I'm hungry so I am going to heat up a quesadilla with cheese in the microwave for (20:00) 20 minutes.
What is False. (:20) 20 seconds to (1:00) 1 minute may do the trick. 20 minutes is too much and may cause a fire.
I am not feeling well. I have a runny nose and am sneezing. What should I do?
What is stay home or go home for the day.
True or False I am hungry but I spent all of my money on a manicure. It would be rude for me to ask friends to buy my lunch every day until my next check comes.
What is True. Every now and then friends like to help you out, but if you are ALWAYS asking your friends to do something for you, they will grow tired of it.
I DON'T like what we are doing today!!! I am super disappointed!!! I should react by doing this.
What is try it anyway or make the best of it, make it a great day!