Individual Education Plan
What does IEP stand for?
This is needed to determine if a child has a disability.
What is a Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation?
The way something is always done.
What is a routine?
A systematic teaching model that progresses from "I do" to "we do" to "you do".
What is Explicit Instruction?
Students with disabilities are protected by this law.
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
From start to finish, 60-90 calendar days.
What is the timeline for completing a comprehensive evaluation?
The way students and adults should act at school.
What is an expectation?
These students have missed instruction for various reasons.
What is a Novice Learner?
This statement addresses the root cause and effect that a disability has on a student's access, engagement and progress in the general education curriculum.
What is a Disability Related Need (DRN)?
These assessments are used to measure progress or benchmarks as compared to peers.
What are informal assessments?
The process of collecting data on behaviors of concern to determine the function of the behavior.
What is a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)?
These students need more explicit teaching to learn the skill or information. The are unable to gain the skill by discovery.
What is a struggling learner?
Students with disabilities are educated with nondisabled students to the maximum extent appropriate.
What is the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?
Summative Assessments such as WISC, WIAT, Woodcock-Johnson, or Behavior Rating Scales
What is an example of formal assessments?
Deliver immediately after the behavior occurs, be consistent and reteach, and remind students of expectations.
What are characteristics of specific feedback and praise?
Content, Design of Instruction, Delivery of Instruction, and Practice
What are the 4 main areas of Explicit Instruction?
Parents, General Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher and LEA Representative
Who are the people required to attend an IEP team meeting?
1. Academics,
2.Cognitive Learning,
4. Independence and Self-Determination,
5. Physical and Health,
6. Social and Emotional Learning
What are the 6 areas of Academic and Functional Skills?
Fosters caring and respectful interactions, increases on task behavior, and increased academic and social success.
What are some benefits of building relationships?
Verbal Responses, Inclusive Passage Reading, Written Responses, Use of Technology, Action Responses, Holdups.
What are examples of Opportunities to Respond (OTRs)?