Indirect services to monitor student performance and support staff working with that student.
What are consultative services
What is Emotional Impairment
What is Individualized Education Program?
What is Occupational Therapist
The present levels of academic achievement and functional performance is used to determine the needs of the students
What is the PLAAFP?
Services within the general education classroom or special education setting.
What are direct services?
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
This meeting is when a student, not receiving special education services, has been struggling in the classroom and may need more support.
What is CST (Child Study Team)
Least Restrictive Environment
What are accommodations?
Direct services within the general education classroom, everytime the class meets for the entire period
What is co-teaching or blended classrooms
What is Other Health Impairment?
A meeting to determine accommodations for a student with a disability who is not eligible for an IEP/special education services
What is a 504
What is speech and language pathologist
Data is collected regarding the progress on these.
What are the goals and objectives?
Direct service provided to individuals or small groups in the special education setting provided by the special education teacher with focused instruction in multiple areas of needs
What is categorical rooms
What is Specific Learning Disability?
This meeting is held to determine if a student is eligible to receive special education services
What is an eligibility recommendation (ER) meeting or multidisciplinary evaluation team (MET) meeting.
What is positive behavior support plan
Ancillary support from the OT, PT, SLP and SSW
What are services?
Students receive services in their home by a school special education case manager
What are homebound students
What is Severely and Multiply Impaired?
This meeting is held every 3 years to determine if a student continues to be eligible for special education services
What is a Reevaluation meeting
What is Extended School Year
The final plan which is agreed upon by the IEPT and is offered to a student with a disability.
What is the notice of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?