Hip flexor contracture
- Thomas test
- Ely's test (rectus femoris specifically)
Hypomobility of a vertebral segment
- Anterior spinous challenge PR
- Lateral spinous challenge PR
Resist supinated arm flexion.
Speed's test [biceps tendinitis]
Client successfully adducts their arm from 90 degrees of abduction, but the movement is painful and jerky.
Drop arm test
assessing integrity of rotator cuff, especially supraspinatus mm+tendon
Cervical Facet joint irritation is suspected, but client cannot extend their head.
Spurling's test CI'd. Instead, perform Cervical Compression test.
Carpel Tunnel syndrome
- Phalen's test
- Reverse Phalen's
- Cyriax variation on Phalen's test
- Tinel’s sign (tapping median nerve)
Bursitis differentiation test
Direct client to rotate head & tuck chin into hollow behind their clavicle.
Scalene cramp test
Client's eyeballs involuntarily roll around in circles.
ischemia or circulation deficiency of the vertebral artery.
[Vertebral artery test]
Assess the integrity of the GH following chronic-stage dislocation. Shoulder apprehension AF test is positive.
Do not perform PROM testing. Instead, perform AR isometric GH-x'ing mm testing instead.
Thoracic outlet syndrome from tight mm (scalenes or pec minor)
- Adson's (anterior scalene)
- Travell's variation on Adson's (middle scalene)
- Wright's hyperabduction test (pec minor)
Meniscus injury
- Apley's compression test
- McMurray's test
- Bragard's sign
Client's wrist is passively flexed with elbow extended.
Supine client experiences pain down the opposite leg than the one being hip flexed.
disc herniation or space occupying lesion
[Straight leg raise test]
Assessing strength of anterior neck flexors. Client can li fthead into flexion off table against gravity for ~1 second before dropping back.
Strength grade is 2/5 only. Do not apply further resistance.
Could test each side individually (anterolateral strength test) to determine if unilateral or bilateral issue.
Thoracic outlet syndrome from bony compression of neurovascular bundle
- Costoclavicular syndrome test (between clavicle & 1st rib)
-Eden's test (between clavicle and 1st rib)
Ruptured Achilles tendon
Thompson's test
Finkelstein's test
Client extends the hip & knee while MT compresses IT band just above lateral femoral condyle.
Ct complains of pain over the lateral femoral condyle at about 30 degrees of knee extension.
ITB friction syndrome
[Noble's test]
Brush test for minor effusion is positive.
End treatment & refer client for emergency medical attention.
Lumbar nerve root compression
- Kemp's test
- Quadrant test
- Kernig's test??
Strength of glute medius muscle (while standing)
Trendelenburg's sign
Provide anteriorly directed resistance to humerus of prone client's arm abducted 90 degrees and *externally* rotated.
Middle trapezius strength test
MT taps along the intercostal spaces and sound is more resonant over the lungs.
Emphysema causing hyperinflated lungs
[duller would = congestion d/t eg. chronic bronchitis]
Joint play to a joint w/ history of dislocation (chronic stage)
Avoid recreating range in which injury occurred. Proximal, distal, & affected all indicated.