what is more important than load?
mechanics, form, and technique!!
one is defined as an older adult when:
- over 65
- individuals between 50-64 yrs old with clinically significant conditions or physical limitations that can affect movement, fitness, or activity level.
what becomes more of an indicator to utilize when measuring the intensity of PA because so many changes are happening with CO and HR specifically?
how many muscles are attached to the core (lumbo-pelvic-hip complex)?
what are the 3 energy systems and what are they dependent on?
1. phosphagen system
2. glycolysis
3. oxidative system
Dependent on: intensity and duration
what's the age range for C&A?
6-17 yrs old
what are the best indicators for age.
health and functional status are better indicators than chronological age alone.
prior exercise history
function of the core?
synergetic kinetic chain
- produce force
-reduce force
-dynamically stabilize against abnormal force
physiological response to aerobic exercise
-increased gas exchange
- increased muscle metabolism
- increased respiration rate, tidal volume
why is hydration important in this population?
due to lower ability to regulate body temp (poor thermoregulation), especially in hot/humid environments
what percent of >65 year olds meet physical activity guidelines? what about for >85 yrs old?
11% of >65 yr olds and less than 5% of >86 yr olds
warning signs to discontinue exercise while pregnant
- vaginal bleeding, abd pain, regular painful contractions, amniotic fluid leakage, dyspnea before exertion, dizziness, headache, chest pain, muscle weakness affecting balance, and calf pain or swelling
if the core is weak what is altered?
normal arthrokinematics are altered (core ppt, slide 12)
what is lactate threshold?
percentage of VO2max where blood lactate concentration increases above resting levels.
- among athletes w/ similar VO2max, the better competitor will be able to clear lactic acid more efficiently while performing at or near VO2max.
what does evidence suggest that the concept of physical activity and fitness are positively associated with?
cognition and academic achievement in C&A
what is a marker for frailty?
when can general exercise be resumed after delivery?
as early as days after
guidelines for core training
- systemic, progressive, and functional
- begin with the most challenging that the pt can tolerate
-proprioceptive rich environment
most effective way to improve endurance in healthy individuals. type of aerobic exercise
continuous training
ACSM guidelines for C&A?
- 60 minutes of physical activity daily (moderate and vigorous intensity (unstructured active play is an example)
- activity should be developmentally appropriate
- 2-3 days/week of activities that involve muscle strengthening (WB'ing activities, climbing, jump rope, tog of war, calisthenics/BW exercise are all good). older C&A: supervised strength training
- <2 hrs/day of sedentary activity
greater amount of physical activity (mod and/or vig) is associated with reducing what
reducing risk of developing cognitive impairments, including Alzheimers!
Exercise regimen in pregnancy
- at least 3-4x/week
- intensity < 60-80% max maternal HR
- thermoneutral or controlled conditions
- moderate intensity (12-14 on Borg scale)
- supervision preferred if available
- until delivery (as tolerated)
what are the local muscles of the core?
lumbar multifidi, psoas major, QL, lumbar parts of the ilicostalis and longissimus, TA, diaphragm, and posterior fibers of the internal oblqiues
type of aerobic exercise that is good for strength and power (VO2max) compared to endurance (unless you're keeping the HR steady at the 70% HR max throughout).
interval training