Smell receptor
What is olfactory bulb
Three layers of the eye (outside to inside)
What are the sclera, choroid, retina
3 ear ossicles
What are the Malleus, Incus, Stapes
Breakdown of protein in the lens, causing the lens to look white or opague
What is a cataract
Vision light receptors
What are Photoreceptors (Rods and Cones)
Transparent anterior portion of the sclera
What is cornea
Connects the middle ear to the pharynx
What is Eustachian tube
Receptors needed in dim light
What are Rods
This area contains NO photoreceptors (blind spot)
What is Optic disc
Lobe of the brain for hearing interpretation
What is temporal
Where are the receptors for hearing located
What is cochlea, cochlear duct - ORGAN of Corti
List 3 modifications of the choroid layer
What is iris, pupil, cillary muscles, suspensory ligaments (lens)
Parts of the inner ear
What is cochlea (duct, organ of corti), vestibule, semicircular canals,
Location of receptors for balance 1- static equilibrium 2- angular / rotational equilibrium
What is 1- vestibule, 2- semicircular canals
Pathway for vision (light passes through)
What is the cornea, anterior chamber, aqueous humor, pupil, lens, posterior chamber, vitreous humor, retina (rods and cones), optic nerve (CN II), occipital lobe
Pathway for hearing
What is Pinna, tympanic membrane, Malleus, Incus, Stapes, oval window, cochlea, temporal lobe
Plugged meibomian gland
What is sty