When spicy foods are eaten, the receptors that are activated on the tongue.
Mucous membranes that line the inner surface of the eyelids.
Inflammation of the ear
Hearing loss due to aging process
Age infants respond to instruction "NO" and quickly turn to the sound of their name.
8 to 12 months
Gustatory Cortex location and where taste sensations are interpreted.
Produce tears and secrete enzymes to destroy bacteria and viruses.
Lacrimal Glands
Loss of ability to hear sounds at normal levels
Hearing Loss
Common cause of conductive hearing loss and the stapes are immobilized.
Benign tumor of cranial nerve involved in hearing and balance and cause is Malfunction of gene responsible for controlling growth of Schwann cells
Acoustic Neuroma.
Savory Taste
Responsible for blinking and squinting
Orbicularis Oculi
Buildup of earwax
Cerumen Impaction
Patient complains that eyes are rapidly moving side to side and patient is drinking a lot of alcohol
The bending of light by the cornea, lens, and eye fluids to focus light onto the retina.
refraction (rē-frak’shŭn)
5 tastes
Umami, sweet, sour, bitter, salty
Six of these that function together to move the eyeball
Extrinsic Eye Muscles
Patient hears ringing all the time
Patient is seeing light flashed and floaters.
Retinal detachment
Forms most of the eye's vascular layer and contains most of the eye’s blood vessels.
choroid (kōr’oyd)
The “bumps” of the tongue in which the taste buds are found.
lingual papillae (ling’gwăl pă-pĭl’ē)
Thick, jelly-like fluid that fills the posterior segment of the eye
Vitreous Humor
Age infant should babble at people
4 to 8 months
Condition when older with eyes not being wet.
Dry Eyes
An area of the brain that is responsible for interpreting taste sensations by integrating information from the taste cells with other information to provide a more complete interpretation.
gustatory cortex (gŭs’tă-tōr-ē kōr’teks)