The five special senses
What is smell, taste, sight, hearing, and equilibrium?
lens becomes opaque + blindness due to interference of light transmission
what is cataracts?
when light rays bend as they pass through the cornea, aqueous+vitreous humor, lens and reach the retina
what is refraction?
three parts of the ear and their function
what is external ear (only hearing) , middle ear (only hearing) and inner ear (hearing and equilibrium)?
a sensation of spinning even though you aren't
what is vertigo?
lines inside of eyelids, curves around + lines interior portion of eye up to cornea, secretes mucus
What is conjunctiva?
names of the layers forming the eye
what is the fibrous layer, vascular layer and sensory layer?
ability of eye to focus specifically for close objects by changing shape of the lens
what is accommodation?
the auditory ossicles in the tympanic cavity
what is malleus, incus and stapes?
issue with receptor cells/neural pathway/brain damage
what is sensorineural deafness?
Help to follow moving objects, attached to outer surface of eye
What is Extrinsic eye muscles?
forms the iris and helps regulate amount of light entering the eye
What are circularly and radially arranged smooth muscle fibers?
the three ways the eyes focus on images and their description
What is emmetropia (focuses correctly on the retina), myopia (nearsightedness, distant objects seem blurry, concave lens), and hyperopia (farsightedness, occurs when light rays from distant objects are focused behind retina, lens is flat + ciliary muscle is relaxed, convex lens)?
runs downward to link the middle ear cavity with the throat, flattened and closed, but swallowing or yawning can open it briefly to equalize the pressure
what is the pharyngotympanic tube?
issue with movement of sound vibrations to fluids
what is conduction deafness?
inflammation of conjunctiva, reddened + irritated eyes
What is conjunctivitis?
the two chambers of the lens and their description
what is vitreous humor (posterior to lens, gel-like, helps maintain shape of eye) and aqueous humor (anterior to lens, watery, helps maintain shape of eye) ?
eye reflexes and their description
What is convergence (movement of eye medially for close objects) , photopupillary reflex (prevents excessive light from damaging retina) and accommodation pupillary reflex (constricts pupil for optimal close vision)?
cavity within the inner ear filled with plasma like fluid called BLANK, suspended in that is a membranous labyrinth that contains a thicker fluid called BLANK
what is bony labyrinth, perilymph and endolymph?
receptors for the two types of equilibrium and description
Name of tears, where they come from, what they contain and function
What is lacrimal secretion, lacrimal glands, mucus, antibodies, lysosomes, keep eye moist and lubricated?
the result is vision
what is the path of electrical signals: ES pass from photoreceptors via bipolar cells and ganglion, leaves the retina via optic nerve as nerve impulses that are transported to optic cortex.
pathway from eyes to brain
what is optic nerve--optic chiasm--optic tract--optic radiation? (At the optic chiasma, fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over to the opposite side of the brain, resulting in optic tracts. Each optic tract contains fibers from the lateral side of the eye on the same side and the medial side of the opposite eye. The optic tract fibers synapse with neurons in the thalamus, whose axons form the optic radiation, which runs to the occipital lobe of the brain. There they synapse with the cortical cells, and vision occurs)
the result is hearing
what is sound waves that reach the cochlea through vibrations of the tympanic membrane, ossicles, and oval window set cochlea fluids into motion which excite hair cells in the spiral organ of corti (specific hair cells respond to specific frequencies), when amplitude is increased, pressure waves set up vibrations in the basilar membrane?
the two types of equilibrium and their description
what is static equilibrium (position of head in space/keeps head erect) and dynamic equilibrium (angular/rotary movement, semicircular canals oriented in x,y,z planes)?