LBP: what is a red flag test that can indicate bursitis or infection?
sign of buttock
Name all of the tests that assess for a pathology within the biceps tendon.
Yergasin's, Speeds test, Active compression test of O'Brien
Name MMT for Myotomes C8, C7, C6, C5, C4, C3, C2, C1, T1
C8 thumb extension
C7 triceps extension, wrist flexion
C6 wrist extension, elbow flexion
C5 arms up in abduction
C4 raise up traps
C3, C2, C1 cervical flexion & extension
T1 finger web adduction
What does the Sweater (jersey) finger test, test?
Integrity of flexor digitorum profundus tendons.
What 2 tests do the knee, elbow, and finger have in common?
Valgus & Varus stress tests
While doing Craig's Test, you find the patient is more lateral. What does this indicate?
Name all the tests that assess the supraspinatus tendon.
Neer impingement, Hawkins-Kennedy, Drop arm, Empty Can
How do you test the integrity of the transverse ligament?
Sharp purser, Apsinals test
What does the Adductor policies innervated by? (Hint: thing Froment's sign)
Ulnar nerve
Tennis elbow is to ______ epicondyle whereas golfers elbow is to ______ epicondyle.
1. lateral
2. medial
What do Hip Scour (medial) & Quadrant (lateral) assess for what?
ligament, bursa, or labrum impingement
If shoulder IR MMT is greater than ER MMT this is positive for?
rotator cuff pathology
What nerve roots does the shoulder abduction test, test?
C4, C5
What is another name for Lunotriquetral ballottenment test?
Reagans Test
What test should you perform first? Anterior Drawer or Posterior Drawer
Posterior Drawer
When doing the straight leg raise to test for sciatic nerve, what is the test name for straight leg raise on the opposite leg that reproduces symptoms?
+ Wells
What does the anterior apprehension test, test for? Who is a + result common in?
Assess stability of anterior glenohumeral joint. Common in people w history of dislocation.
What test(s) for neck would you not do with acute patients?
Spurlings, cranial cervical flexion test
What hand test would you do to assess for OA?
Thumb Grind Test
The pinch grip test - OK sign - exposes the weakness of what 2 muscles?
Flexor pollicis longus & flexor digitorum profundus
What tests can be used to assess for sacroiliac SI joint dysfunction?
Thigh thrust & Sacral Thrust
Besides O'Briens, what 2 tests when combined assess for a SLAP lesion?
Anterior apprehension test & Biceps load test
what is a positive sign for sharp purser?
Head shifts back, pain, grinding/shearing
What disease does the Finkelstein, test for?
De Quervains
A 3+ on the stroke test means
swelling returns without sweeping down motion