What does TUG stand for?
Timed Up and Go
Name 5 of the specialty books we currently have available
Hip and Knee Replacement, Shoulder replacement, spine safety, foot and ankle, low vision, vestibular rehabilitation, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, lung disease, heart failure, heart and vascular, stroke, fall prevention, memory care, caregiving handbook
The ____ is the clinical liaison between the physician, sales team, and clinicians.
What are the 6 tests and measures that show up on a hip replacement report card?
Self-reported pain, 2 min walk test, sit to stand transfers, walking distance, TUG, level surface assistance
What does AM stand for?
Area Manager
How long is a physician protocol good for?
1 year
How often should clinicians review the protocol?
Prior to every visit/every visit
What are the 5 tests and measures that show up on a spine surgery report card?
Self-reported pain, 2 min walk test, sit to stand transfers, walking distance, TUG
What does a CTC stand for?
Care Transitions Coordinator
How many core specialty programs are there?
6 Core Programs
Post op, community care,balance and fall prevention, care transitions, care connections, cardiopulmonary
With a protocol, what 2 vital sign parameters may need to be updated?
Temperature threshold, pain threshold.
Less often on and typically non protocol = BP, HR, RR, Weight, and Oxygen Saturation thresholds.
What are the 6 tests and measures that show up on a knee replacement report card?
Knee Flexion, Knee Extension, Self-reported pain, walking distance, TUG, level surface assistance
What does RPD stand for?
Regional Program Director
What does this mean?
SUN: 3W2
MON: 3W2
TUE: 3W2
WED: 2W1, 3W1, 1W1
THU: 2W1, 3W1, 1W1
FRI: 1W1, 3W1, 2W1
SAT: 1W1, 3W1, 2W1
This is an example of a frequency for number of visits to schedule for episode of care based on the day SOC is performed.
What is the maximum number of days allowed in between visits for post op protocol patients?
2-3 days depending on diagnosis
What are the 5 tests and measures that show up on a cardiopulmonary report card?
Weight, O2 Saturation, Respiration Rate, Perceived Dyspnea Scale, Self-Reported Pain
Who is your RPD? (full name please)
Christopher Taylor Hankins, Jr
Heart Failure, COPD, and Hypertension fall under this specialty program
Clinicians should reach out to _____if they notice any discrepancies with the protocol or updates on how a patient is doing.
How often should therapy goal/status grid be updated?
Every visit