Imaginary worlds
love , friendship ..
literary terms
west side story
the curious incident of the dog in the night time

1984 is a dystopia : list 3 reasons 

totalitarian regime / all powerful dictator / control/ manipulation / surveillance /propaganda 


Miss  Havisham is a very weird woman : Prove it

She uses kids as a revenge tool / she has stopped her clocks when her fiancé didn't turn up at the wedding / She  even blackmails Estella , her little protegees. She blames everyone ( here , the children ) for her own unhappiness and she doesn't anyone to be happy 


tirer profit de 

take advantage of


Where is WWS set ? who are the groups of characters ? How do they interact ? 

In New York , in West side Manhattan , a poor neighbourhood . the two gangs are called the  Jets ( white Americans ) and the sharks ( from Puerto rico)They can't stand each other , challenging each other , calling each other names , ...


Who does Christopher get along the best with in this novel ? 

Siobahn , because she doesn't judge him , she guides and advises him and seems to are about him a lot .


What makes the tell tale heart a fantastic story?

Te dark environment / the main character's schizophrenia ....


How well does Andrew fit in Isaac Asimov's world ? 

first he is some kind of robot but gradually he gets all the attributes of a man , even feelings ...


rabaisser quelqu'un 

put somebody down 


Quote three main differences between Romeo and Juliet and WWS ? 

The setting is different , and the time period too , as well as the end ...


What big lie  does Christopher have to face? 

His dad's . Lying about his mum will change the boy forever .,


Who are the actual 2 main characters in 2001: a space Odyssey ?how different are they ? 

Dave ( the astronaut) and Hal the computer .

Dave is so dependent on Hal that Hal 


What kind of relationship  is there  between Lennie and george in Of Mice and  Men ? 

we have more a father / child connection as Lennie can't fend for himself but they very lose friends too , they  share a dream...


prendre conscience de 

get aware of 


How and where do the two gangs fight?

in basketball courts , and in deserted areas far from the police / they use their fists or knives or guns 


What are the main themes of this novel ? 

Living with autism / the family structure / exclusion / inclusion ...


What makes the main character  become a murderer ?

his problem with alcohol, his cat's behaviour , his wife's trying to stop him from killing Pluto , his insanity ...


What stops Juliet from marrying Romeo ? 

their families are arched enemies , Romeo unwillingly kills Juliet's provocative cousin ...





What is the lovers' " balcony" in WWS? 

on the fire escape of maria's apartment 


What kind of digressions does Christopher make ? What are they for ? 

about his feelings / about science, too / 


How diferrent is Charls Perrault's  Little Red Riding Hood from James Thurber's 

She can manage by herself /she has a gun / she doesn't need any woodcutter to save her / she is a heroine


What was the message of the picture showing SnowWhite and Prince Charming in a modern context ?

to show that there are Prince Charmings "in disguise" who turn out to be bad husbands and so it's some kind of warning to enyone who blindly believes that life is a fairy tale 


faire allusion à 

allude to 


What makes the meeting between Maria and Tony magic and dangerous at the same time? 

it's magic bexause although they are at a crowded ball it seems that there are just the two of them  BUT we are reminded that there are 2 separate groups dancing and it is hard to make them dance together


What do the letters reveal ? 

that his mum is still alive , why she left home, how much she loves him ...
