The minimum requires times teeth must be brushed daily according to the CCHSS
What is twice
The minimum required time of wet contact for Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR)
What is 15 seconds
Delirium Screening Tool
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
N95 Respiratory mask fitting must take place every...
2 Years
Or - when there have been facial changes due to trauma, dental work, weight loss/gain etc.
What are the Main categories that are reported on in the RLS (Reporting and Learning System)
Fall, Medication, Lab/Blood Products, VTE, Pressure Injury/Skin Wound, Other safety event, Pharmacy
Identify this Oral disease
Candidiasis (Thrush)
Vigorously rub soap over palms and backs of each hand, interlocking and interfacing fingers to ensure fingers and thumbs are rubbed to remove visible soil and/or organic material, for....
15-30 seconds
Hyper alertness, inattention within a few hours along with disorganized thinking
What is Delirium
Bonus 300 points- What is the Acronym used for delirium symptoms
This type of infection is contracted in hospital
What is Nosocomial
True or False - If you slip, trip or fall and aren't injured you don't need to report it. Reporting is only necessary if you are actually injured.
False- You should report any incident of potential injury. For Bonus 300- Where do you report?
Reporting of all work related incidents, illness and injuries take place here. The option to connect with the ability management if you are ill or injured outside of work.
The recommended treatment for bleeding Gums and gingivitis
Brushing along the gum line. Even with bleeding continue brushing gently
Doffing PPE requires this to take place 3 times
What is Hand Washing
loss of short and long term memory, more confusion at bedtime, slow progressive onset
What is Dementia
True or False Below is the appropriate order for Doffing PPE
Hand Hygiene
Face Shield
Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene must occur between removing gloves and face shield
The first 2 steps when Blood & Body Fluid Exposure (BBFE) occurs
1-First Aid
2-Contact the Zone Occupational Health and safety nurse
This disease and periodontitis have an important thing in common, bone loss. Women with this condition have gum disease more often than those who do not.
What is Osteoporosis
Two instances ABHR is not acceptable
What is
Exposure to C-Diff
Visibly soiled Hands
When handling food
Name as many of the SIGECAPS acronym terms as you can
Sleep disturbance
Interest decreased
Guilt Feelings
Energy lower
Concentration poor
Appetite disturbed
Psychomotor retardation or agitation
Suicidal Ideation
List 3 "Reservoirs" where disease can live and multiply
People, water, food, equipment, animals, environment, hands
This Process is a fundamental activity that helps prevent injury and illness in the workplace. You cannot control what you don’t know or understand. It’s also a requirement within the Workplace Health and Safety Management System (WHS MS) and the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code.
What is Hazard Identification, Assessment and Control (HIAC)
Identify this Oral Disease
What is Oral Cancer
The 4 moments for Hand Hygiene
What are
1-Before patient/environment contact
2-Before aseptic procedures
3-After body fluid exposure
4-After Patient/environment contact
How many of the 7A's or dementia can you name
Amnesia- Loss of memory
Aphasia- loss of language
Agnosia- Loss of recognition
Apraxia- Loss of purposeful movement
Anosognosia- Lack of insight, no knowledge of disease
Altered Perception- Loss of perceptual acuity
Apathy- Loss of initiation
The order of Donning PPE
Hand Hygiene
Face Shield
What are the 3 key elements WHMIS, the Canada-wide system designed to ensure our workers safely store, use and handle hazardous products.
1) Labels
2)Safety Data sheets (SDSs)
3) Verisk 3E database
4) worker education and training