What is the acronym for Specific Learning disabilities?
What is SLD?
What is the disability that goes with this definition:
What is Dyslexia?
What percent of all students in our nation's public schools are classified as having specific learning disabilities?
What is almost five percent?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) definition of specific learning disability remains unchanged since what year? (Hint:on Jan 6 "Wheel Of Fortune" debuts on NBC-TV of this year)
What is 1975?
How many types of brain injuries exist?
What is 18?
One in __ children have one or more learning disabilities.
what is 59?
Specific learning disorder often occurs along with other neurodevelopmental disorders such as…
What Is ADHD/Anxiety?
What disability involves difficulty processing sensory information such as auditory, tactile, visual which includes impairments in reading or dyslexia, writing or dysgraphia, managing mathematic concepts or dyscalculia.
What is a perceptual disability?
How many children younger than 18 in the USA have learning disabilities?
What is 4 million?
What are at least 3 ways a specific learning disability manifests?
What is an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or perform math calculations.
a term used to describe a collection of symptoms reflecting learning, attention, and motor coordination deficits is called?
What is Developmental coordination disorder or minimum brain dysfunction.
What are the three most common learning disabilities?
What is ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia
What is the definition of a specific learning disability?
What is a disorder in 1 or more of basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language spoken or written?
a disorder of language resulting from damage to the parts of the brain that manage language is the definition of?
What is Developmental Aphasia?
What is the drop out rate of students with learning disabilities?
What is 60 percent?