Revise & Edit
Text Structure

Author vs Narrator

Poet | Speaker


is worth X points



is worth X points

is X % of your test

10 points!!

18% of your test score!!


Rewrite sentence 9 in a clear & effective way...

Revise. Rewrite the sentence so it makes sense and doesn't repeat ideas or lack any necessary information


Walking along, you witness the intertidal zone's bustling life, from scuttling crabs to soaring seagulls, each adapted to thrive in this dynamic environment. The salty air hints at the complex chemistry regulating the delicate balance of saltwater and freshwater. Further out, waves sculpt the rocky coast, revealing geological history shaped by erosion. Sailboats glide on the horizon, showcasing the physics behind the tides' dance. As the sun sets, painting the water gold, you're struck by the beauty and intricacy of the coastal ecosystem—a captivating blend of science and nature.




sight, hear, smell, taste, touch


How do you know a question is an SCR?

Box will be 475 characters or less

Support your answer with evidence from the text

There will be a text box to type in


How do you know a question is an ECR?

Remember to - ...... (followed by lots of instructions on how to write an essay!!)

Character count in box will go up to 2300


Which phrase can be added ... to help with this transition?

Edit: Insert an appropriate transition word to move from one idea / paragraph to the next


Walking along, you witness life thriving in the intertidal zone, a result of intricate interactions between tides and habitat. The salty air, a product of oceanic processes, influences ecosystem chemistry and weather patterns. Further out, the relentless waves sculpt the rocky coast, altering the landscape. Sailboats on the horizon harness wind currents, driven by atmospheric conditions shaped by natural forces. As the sun sets, painting the water gold, it marks another day in this interconnected ecosystem, illustrating nature's intricate balance of causes and effects.

Cause and Effect


Tone vs Mood

Tone: how the author is writing - the feeling the author has/portrays about the topic

Mood: how you as the reader feel about the text


How long should an SCR be?

3 or 4 well developed sentences!!


Different types of ECRs

Correspondence: letter, email, writing to someone

Informational: giving information about the text

Argumentative/Persuasive: trying to convince the reader of .... 


What is the MOST effective way to combine sentences...

Revise: Rewriting sentences into ONE sentence that makes the most sense while still keeping the necessary information


As you walk along the shore, you witness the impact of human activity on the intertidal zone, from pollution to habitat destruction. These problems threaten the delicate balance of marine life and ecosystem health. However, awareness and conservation efforts offer hope. Initiatives to reduce pollution and restore habitats can mitigate these issues, fostering resilience in the coastal ecosystem. Furthermore, community involvement and scientific research play crucial roles in identifying and implementing effective solutions. By addressing these challenges head-on, we can safeguard the coastal ecosystem for future generations to enjoy and benefit from its beauty and resources.

Problem & Solution

Meter or Rhythm

Feeling of poem in terms of a beat / tempo (think your favorite rap song)


How can you get a 0, 1, or 2

0 - wrong answer w/no evidence

1 - correct answer & irrelevant evidence | relevant evidence w/wrong answer

2 - correct answer w/relevant evidence


How is an ECR scored?

0-3 on content

0-2 on construction

add rater 1 and rater 2 scores to get final score from 0 -10 (rater 1 is a computer, rater 2 is human)


What change should be made...

Edit: Think back to our PoP warm ups!! You will have to fix something that is related to grammar


Natural coastlines boast pristine beaches and thriving habitats, while urbanized areas are marked by human development and pollution. Despite their contrasts, both face common threats such as habitat destruction and climate change, though solutions vary. Conservation efforts focus on protecting natural ecosystems, while urban areas require innovative approaches to sustainability. Understanding these differences is vital for preserving coastal biodiversity and beauty.

Compare and Contrast

Tone Shift

when the tone changes from one kind of tone to another


ACE format

Answer the question by restating the prompt 

Cite text evidence to support your answer

Explain how text evidence supports your answer


Structure of an ECR

Intro w/clear & organized thesis!

Body Paragraph 1 w/reason & explanation

Body Paragraph 2 w/reason & explanation

Conclusion : tie it all together and restate main point


Idk how to spell that word??? What do I do???



Initially, natural coastal environments emerge, characterized by pristine beaches and thriving habitats untouched by human influence. Over time, urbanization creeps in, altering the landscape with concrete structures and pollution. As human activity increases, challenges such as habitat destruction and pollution escalate, threatening the delicate balance of coastal ecosystems. However, in response to these challenges, conservation efforts gain momentum, aiming to restore and protect natural habitats. Simultaneously, sustainable practices emerge in urbanized coastal areas, striving to mitigate the negative impacts of human development. By understanding this chronological progression, we can appreciate the complexity of coastal ecosystems and the importance of preserving their natural beauty and biodiversity for future generations.

Sequence / Chronological